Chapter 17

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"Ok" Kimberley continues, "you've got to promise not to laugh or freak out"

"I'll try my best" Cheryl replies, trying to look nonchalant but slightly panicked.

"Well the thing is...erm...well I..."

"Come on" Cheryl encourages, "spit it out, it can't be that bad"

"It's not really" Kimberley assures her, fiddling nervously with her fork, "well you know how I'm not out and that makes it really difficult to meet women"

"Yeah, go on"

"It's not something I'm really proud of but I...erm...I've used escorts, quite regularly"


A wide grin forms on Cheryl's face followed by a look of disbelief.

"But you're absolutely gorgeous, why pay prostitutes?!"

"They're not just ordinary prostitutes! It's not like I was cruising the streets in my Range Rover" Kimberley winces, blushing slightly.

"So how did it work then?" Cheryl continues with fascination.

"Ok" Kimberley takes a deep breath, "look this might shock you but my sexuality's an open secret in the industry, I mean most people know but it's never talked about. When I first started presenting and stuff I was just a little fish in a really big pond, my PR informed me in no uncertain terms that if I came out my career would be over as quick as it started. So I just kept my head down for a few months, tried to forget about sex and concentrate on my work which was pretty easy because the jobs just kept coming in and I was so busy, I'd go back home and practically fall into bed straightaway"

Taking a sip of her wine the Bradfordian continues.

"Then, eventually, things went a little quieter and I got sick of sitting in the house on my own. One night I went against my PR's advice, decided to go out clubbing. I pulled this girl and took her back to mine but the paparazzi got some photos of us leaving the club together. The pictures weren't anything serious but my management went apeshit, said my behaviour was reckless....I guess it was"

"Go on" Cheryl encourages as Kimberley pauses.

"They said they couldn't afford any more mess ups so they proposed an idea. They'd got a new gay guy on their books, Justin. They were trying to sell him as the next teen idol but they'd had a few problems of him getting himself into, well, lets just say sticky situations, emphasis on the sticky"

"Eww! I don't want to know" Cheryl scrunches up her nose in disgust, making both of them laugh.

"Anyway, long story short, they suggested we beard for one another. So we started 'dating', got married and became the perfect fairytale couple with photo shoots in all the glossy mags and everything. We could do whatever we liked in private as long as we were very careful"

"Wow", Cheryl shakes her head in amazement, "the entertainment industry's more fcuked up than I thought!"

"Yeah" Kimberley laughs bitterly, "but if I'd not gone through all that sh!t we wouldn't be sitting here now, I'd probably be in some burger joint asking if you wanted fries with that"

Cheryl shrugs, settling back into her chair.

"I don't think it'd be that bad"

"No? Really?" Kimberley raises an eyebrow cynically.

"Nah" Cheryl pauses, "looking like that you'd be in a restaurant at least pet"

"Cheeky b!tch!" Kimberley chuckles, giving the Geordie's arm a playful slap, "anyway back to the escorts..."

"Yep" Cheryl nods.

"Well being closeted you get to know some of the other famous names in the same position, it's like some weird secret club. So one night I was moaning to one of my friends about my crap sex life and they suggested I try an escort agency, even gave me a few numbers. I was suspicious at first but I did some research, asked them loads of questions. You'd be surprised what you can get with shedloads of money and a powerful name. They give you a list of girls with photos and what services they offer and you just pick, it's all very discreet"

"Like the Chinese menu?" Cheryl questions, fascinated, "I'll have number seven with a side portion of number two"

Kimberley laughs.

"Kind of. I'd pay up front, then the girls I'd chosen would come up to the house and do whatever I wanted, it was fun"

"You say girls, was there...err...more than one"

"Sometimes" the Bradfordian grins, "if I was feeling greedy, if I wanted to watch them together first before I joined in"

She pauses, realising she might've got a bit carried away as Cheryl's mouth opens slightly.

"Oh sh!t, sorry I've freaked you out, too much information?" she questions worridly.

"No, not at all" the Geordie gives her a smile, "it sounds kinda hot, I just never expected it of you, I mean you seem"

"Wholesome? Family friendly?" Kimberley fills in, "yeah that's the picture my management want to paint for the public but everyone's got needs and, what can I say, I'm pretty horny!"

She clears her throat and takes another sip of wine.

"And there's more I need to explain to you..."

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