Chapter 22

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Kimberley's hands tremble slightly as she checks the phone line's dead and replaces the receiver.

"You ok? You've been gone ages"

The sound of Cheryl's voice behind her makes Kimberley jump causing the Geordie to give her a look of concern.

"Kimba what's wrong babe?"

"They're coming round, my mum and dad, they're coming round right now and I've not even had a chance to prepare, to tell them anything, oh God what if they totally freak out?!"

Cheryl draws Kimberley into her arms, holding the nervous blonde close to her and stroking down her back. She'd never seen Kimberley so frantic before, normally she was the cool, calm and collected one of the two of them. Obviously this time it would be up to her to take control of the situation no matter how much she herself was bricking it over meeting the in-laws.

"Let's start at the beginning" Cheryl soothes, "how much do they already know?"

"Just that I've met someone new, I mean I only told them about us when I started thinking of coming out. They don't know that we've been together all these months or how I met you even. I wanted to sit them down and tell them properly Chez, I didn't want it to be like this!"

"It's going to be ok" Cheryl states, releasing a panicked Kimberley from her grasp, "this is what we're gonna do. I'll tell the girls to go and finish off the last few jobs on the pool and I'll get my lot to make themselves scarce til we've spoken to your lot. Then, hoping things go well, we can introduce them to each other. Agreed?"

"Agreed" Kimberley nods before pulling Cheryl in for a breathtaking kiss.

"What was that for?"

"Being amazing"

"Let's hope your mam and dad think so"


"Here goes" Kimberley states, tensing as the buzzer for the gates goes, "wish me luck"

"Good luck" Cheryl smiles nervously, smoothing down her bobbled hair and checking over the fresh pair of jeans and plaid shirt she's just quickly changed into, first impressions and all that.

Kimberley disappears from the living room re-appearing a few minutes later followed by a smartly dressed older woman and man. Unsure what to do Cheryl gets to her feet, giving them a polite smile and proffering her hand.

"Mr and Mrs Walsh, I'm Cheryl Tweedy, it's nice to finally meet you"

"Oh so you're the one that she's putting her entire career on the line for" Diane eyes Cheryl up, thrusting her hand into the Geordie's, "look I don't automatically trust you but Kimberley obviously thinks a lot of you so I'm prepared to see what it is you're offering her..."

"Mum!" Kimberley interrupts, red faced, "Cheryl's not trying to sell me bloody timeshare, she's my girlfriend!"

Diane winces as John shakes hands with Cheryl, giving her a small smile.

"Language Kimberley! Now why don't you make us a nice cup of tea while we get to know your girlfriend better"

Kimberley mouths 'sorry' to a shell-shocked Cheryl before scampering out of the door leaving the builder with the in-laws. They make themselves comfy on the couches, Cheryl on one, Diane and John on the other. Kimberley's father clears his throat before speaking.

"So how did you meet our Kimberley, through work was it?"

"Yeah" Cheryl confirms, deciding honesty is the best policy, "I own an independent building firm, me team have been working on Kimberley's pool extension for about six months, we together a month after we met"

"You've been seeing each other for five months?!" John asks incredulously, "we were under the impression this's had only been going on a few weeks!"

Diane nods, an accusatory tone in her voice.

"John's right, Kimberley has some explaining to do. Why? Why would she keep this from us? Did you tell her to?!"

"No" Cheryl states, her stomach starting to churn, "I...I'd never try to tell Kimba what to was her...she was scared of how you'd react"

"Scared" Diane repeats with a look of hurt and confusion, "we've always accepted her for who she is. Why would she be scared?"

"Because Cheryl's a brickie! That's all anyone I've told about us has ever said to me, it's all they've ever seen her as! Ok so she might be a brickie but she's my fcuking brickie and I'm in love with her alright!"

Kimberley's mum and dad's eyes pop open and Cheryl nearly chokes on nothing as Kimberley stands in the doorway, her hands clenched around a couple of novelty mugs, defending her passionately.

"Here, let me get those"

The Geordie springs into action, breaking through the tension as she takes the cuppas from her girlfriend's hands, placing them down in front of an astonished Diane and John. Placing her hand over Kimberley's she guides her girlfriend to the sofa, settling down next to her and laying a gentle kiss on her lips.

"You ok babe?"

"Yeah" Kimberley murmurs, wrapping an arm round Cheryl's body and pulling her closer, "sorry mum, dad, I didn't mean to shout"

Diane looks at her sadly, taking her husband's hand for support.

"It's ok love, we just wish that you'd felt able to tell us before, don't we John?"

Kimberley's dad nods.

"You're our daughter and we want what's right for you, brickie or no brickie"

Cheryl gives Kimberley a supportive squeeze as she takes out a tissue, dabbing at her eyes.

"I thought you'd think I was stupid, a celeb like me dating a...a..."

"A commoner" Cheryl finishes jokily, "apparently, according to Kimberley, the press don't take too well to these things"

"Being worried about the press I can understand but we're her family"

Diane gets up, coming over to sit next to Kimberley. Cheryl releases the sniffling blonde into her mum's arms.

"We're so proud of you for achieving what you have and you know we'll always do whatever we have to do to protect you but never at the expense of your happiness. If you really love and trust Cheryl then maybe we should give her a break eh, after all if she was that conniving then she'd have sold her story to the press long ago..."

"Oh thanks" Cheryl interrupts dryly, "so now you've decided maybe I'm just a golddigger instead of a famewhore"

The Geordie thinks she's blown it for a moment but is surprised when Kimberley's parents start chuckling.

"Well you're certainly plain speaking" John states, "we appreciate that Cheryl, so how about we start fresh from this moment and see how we get on"

Kimberley exchanges looks with Cheryl and the builder nods happily.

"I suppose you can't say fairer than that, when you've had your tea perhaps I can show you the work I've done on the extension?"


The rest of the day had gone by in a blur of building skills being shown, families' meeting and cups of tea and coffee being downed. Eventually Diane and John had left for home, leaving Kimberley and Cheryl with their blessing.

"God I'm glad that's over" Kimberley sighs, flopping down onto the bed next to Cheryl after they'd said their goodnight's to Joan and Garry.

"It was one crazy day" Cheryl agrees, stretching her arms out and yawning, "but I'm glad it turned out ok, I thought I was in the shite for a while"

"So did I" Kimberley smiles, turning onto her side and propping herself up on her elbow, "thanks for keeping calm"

"No problemo" Cheryl grins, "now all we've got to tackle is you coming out to the press"

Kimberley pulls a sarcastic face.

"Oh yeah, just that one small thing, happy days!"

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