Chapter 6

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Later on the same day...

"Oi watch me bloody fingers!" Cheryl yells as Sarah drops the edge of the last paving slab close to the end of her tiny digits.

"Sorry boss, you ok?" Sarah asks concerned.

"I'll live" , Cheryl smiles, raising an eyebrow, "you've been distracted all day, you alright?"

Sarah gives her a mischievous grin before bending down to set the spirit level on top of the freshly laid slabs.

"Perfect", she stands back, hands on her hips as she admires their handiwork.

"Go on then, tell us what's on your mind" Nicola encourages.

"Wouldn't you like to know" Sarah grins again.

"Spoilsport!" Nicola states, returning to her work.

"Oh don't fuss, it'll be something to do with sex" Nadine jokes, wrapping long arms around the older blonde's torso, "you've a one-track mind, haven't you my little stud?!"

"Well, lets put it this way, I'm glad we're nearly finished for the day" Sarah replies, waggling her eyebrows and grabbing her crotch again, "after all there's only so long I can keep this bad boy under control"

Cheryl's eyes widen and Nicola claps a hand over over her mouth.

"Please tell me you aren't packing under those combats", the Geordie nods towards the older blonde's camouflage pants.

"Hmm...let's see", Nadine's hand travels down, cupping her girlfriend intimately.

"Nope, she's winding you up" , she reassures the other two, "trust me, this's pure Sarah"

"Your faces were priceless though", the older blonde cackles, "maybe I should do that eh? See if Kimba Sexy Arse likes the look of Harding's hard-on!"

"So that's what's been on your mind all day", Nadine slaps her girlfriend's arm playfully, "I might've known"

"Maybe I need to remind you whose girlfriend you are" she grins, giving Sarah a quick squeeze through the combat pants.

"Right then", Cheryl yells, getting their drifted attention, "I can see we're not going to get much more done here and we've all worked bloody hard today so let's clear stuff up and get stuck into these"

She reaches round, producing a couple of metal flasks from the back of their van and tossing one to each girl.

Sarah unscrews her flask taking a sniff.

"Whiskey, nice one boss"

"Whiskey?" Nicola repeats, pulling a face, "ewww!"

"Don't worry Nic, I put some nice fizzy Vimto in yours" Cheryl jokes, wrapping an arm round the young redhead, "nah seriously it's rum pet"

"'re the best boss ever" Nicola snuggles into her.

"The only one you've ever had" , the Geordie replies with a laugh.

"Oh except for when you were sixteen and you had a Christmas job as an were caught eating another elf's pussy in the grotto...that year Santa wasn't the only one with the sack!"

An hour or so later the sun has gone down, the air still balmy as Tweedy's crew sit up on the scaffolding, legs dangling over the edge as they drink and chat, the talk turning inevitably to sex. Nadine flicks through a dog-eared copy of FHM mentally assessing the various scantily-dressed women.

"I'd do her in a heartbeat" Sarah exclaims, pointing to a topless candid of Una from The Saturdays, "great fcuking tits!"

"There's more to fancying a woman than perving over their tits Sarah" Nadine jokingly scolds her girlfriend.

"Yeah there's just perving generally!" Nicola giggles, taking another swig of her rum, "anyway I prefer that other one, Frankie, she's got nice boobs an all"

"Gad you're like a couple of teenage boys! There you go there's a pic of her as well, they like getting their baps out don't they?!" the Irish woman observes.

Nadine hands the magazine to Nicola who takes it eagerly.

"Mmm...very nice" she grins.

"Kimberley did a photoshoot for one of those mags once, it was years ago now, she was wearing silky midnight blue undies" Cheryl states rather dreamily.

"Oooh! I think somebody has a little crush!" Sarah teases as the Geordie turns red.

"I don't blame her, Kimberley has very nice everything" Nicola grins like a nutter.

"How would you know?" Sarah questions puzzled.

"Well" , Nicola starts conspiratorially , "I probably shouldn't be telling you this but you know how I went into the house earlier to look for a loo, after we'd finished our cuppas...."

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