Chapter 13

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Cheryl feels her face start to burn as Kimberley goes on to explain what'd happened the previous night. The Bradfordian finally stops for breath, watching the Geordie fiddle nervously with the tatty threads of denim around the knees of her jeans.

"I don't know what to say" Cheryl gulps, "me and Nic, we're not serious. I'll understand if you want us off your property, it was very unprofessional"

"We don't usually behave like that, we won't charge you a penny for the work we've done so far and I'm sorry for any inconvenience we've caused" she continues humbly.

Staring down at her jeans, wanting the ground to swallow her up, she feels a warm hand cupping her chin as Kimberley brings her face up to meet hers.

"I wish you'd stop waffling on" Kimberley teases softly, amusement in her eyes as she brushes a thumb over the younger woman's lips, "I was trying to tell you that I quite enjoyed the show"

She inhales sharply before taking the plunge.

"I wished it was me up there with you, inside you...I'm guessing you did too?"

"Yeah" Cheryl sighs, resigned to the fact that she can't get any deeper in this sh!t than she is now.

"I thought you'd want to sack us, you mean you're really...err"

"A lesbian" Kimberley finishes the thought for her with a nod and a smile, "yes I am"

"But only a few people know, you mustn't tell anyone, it could fcuk things up so badly, I mean my career and stuff" she adds hastily, taking a furtive glance round the empty room.

"Don't worry your secret's safe with us. The guys had kind of guessed though" Cheryl admits, "they said you were flirting with us, I feel like a right idiot now especially with the ring incident"

"Big fan of Bound are you?" she asks with a raised eyebrow.

"One of my favourite films" Kimberley shrugs with a smile, holding Cheryl's hands in her own, "I like you a lot, and I knew you'd never make the first move sooo..."

"You thought you'd help things along and soak us in the process, thanks for that" the Geordie grins, "now I look so stylish buried in your oversized sweatshirt"

"Aww...I think you look cute, not to mention sexy" Kimberley teases.

"She's right..." a weak, hushed voice comes from the direction of the bed.

"Nicola!" Cheryl spins round to see her friend's eyes flickering open, "Nic! Oh thank god you're alright!"

"I'll go tell the doctors" Kimberley states, giving the Geordie's hand a reassuring squeeze before hurrying out of the room to find some staff.


"I told you she'd be fine" the young doctor smiles at the group of women huddled round the redhead's bed, "now she needs complete rest, time for her body to recover from the shock"

"Oi! I am still here" Nicola pipes up, "and we're in the middle of an important job, I can't be out of action for long, time's money you know"

"Don't be daft you heard the doctor, you need rest and recovery" Cheryl interrupts.

"You could've been seriously hurt babe" she adds with a sad smile.

"Yeah and don't worry about the job or the money" Kimberley nods, "the others can carry on and you concentrate on getting better, there's no rush"

"Perks of shagging the boss eh" Sarah whispers in Nadine's ear.

"Right I'll leave you to it, day visiting hours are 2 til 4, evening visiting's 7 til 8.30, the nurses will help you with any other enquiries"

With that the doctor's gone leaving the small gathering round the hospital bed.

"I got something for you" Sarah disappears behind a chair, bending down to pick up a carrier bag.

"Not grapes" Nicola pulls a face, "I really hate grapes"

"Nah, something much tastier" Sarah gives her a wink, throwing her the bag.

"Mmm...nice" the redhead grins as a magazine with a scantily clad young woman on the cover falls out on to her lap followed by a large bar of chocolate.

"Don't you go getting too overexcited" Cheryl laughs.

"At least I'm in a private room, if you get my meaning" Nicola winks cheekily, making a gesture with her hand over the crotch area of her bed sheets.

"Loud and clear" Nadine grins as the others start giggling, "don't let any of the nurses catch you eh"

"You never know one of the cute ones might give us a hand" Nicola waggles her eyebrows.


"Right then, time for me to go" Cheryl states glancing at the clock on the wall, "Kimberley's called a cab for us"

"You know where I am if you need me" she gathers Nicola into her arms and presses a kiss to her forehead, "have a good night's sleep"

"I'll see what I can do" the redhead grins, "good luck, somehow I don't think you're going to need it"

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