Chapter 28

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The giant house is all quiet as a pale young woman, her black hair pulled back into two high bunches, pauses at the bottom of the wide staircase. Her teeth worry the silver ring piercing her bottom lip as she takes a quick nosey around the hallway.

"Cool" she breathes, admiring an ornate suit of armour stood on a plinth in the corner.

Backing away from the armour she tucks a leather attache case under her arm before heading up the stairs. As she reaches the top she hears movement in the bedroom furthest across the landing, two distinctive voices reaching her ears.

"Go on" a Geordie accent urges, "stick it in"

"Are you sure?" comes the husky reply.

"Mmm...yeah babe, it's a perfect fit and it looks great"

The young woman smirks as she approaches the half-closed door, raising a pale hand and knocking tentatively.

"Ahem...Ms Walsh?"

"Fookin' hell! Who the fook?!" exclaims the woman with the Geordie voice as the other voice laughs before shushing her.

Then the door swings open and Kimberley's stood there in front of her, casually dressed and all smiles.

"Talis! It's great to see you again and early too. The traffic wasn't too bad I trust?"

"No it was fine, I hope you didn't mind me coming straight in? The front door was unlocked and seeing as you'd let me through the gate..."

"That's no problem" Kimberley interjects with a nod, "welcome to Garsforth"

"Thank you Ms Walsh"

"Please, call me Kimberley"

The young woman smiles as the Bradfordian ushers her into the bedroom where a wary looking brunette is hovering over a couple of cases, several t-shirts clutched in her hands.

"Talis I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Cheryl Tweedy. Cheryl this is my new PA Talis Fletcher"

"New PA?" Cheryl raises an eyebrow, studying Talis intently, from her black painted fingernails to her various piercings and smart black business suit.

"You employed an emo kid?" she adds with skepticism.

Talis grins, revealing sharp, shiny fangs,

"Goth actually and I'm twenty five, I just look young for my age. I'm fully qualified for the job"

"Of course you are" Kimberley smiles benevolently at the PA before shooting Cheryl a damning look.

"Ahem...anyway I'm sure there'll be plenty of time for both of you to enlighten each other with your respective musical tastes but for now I'd best show you to your office"

Talis gives Cheryl another cheeky grin,

"It's nice to finally meet you Miss Tweedy"

"Oh there's no need to be so formal" Kimberley smiles, waving her hand in the Geordie's general direction, "just call her Cheryl"


Cheryl lets out a huff of resignation as Kimberley leads Talis from the room and down the stairs, remnants of their conversation floating behind them.

"So, tell me - those fangs - are they actually your real teeth?"

"Yeah, it's a funny story actually..."

When Kimberley gets back from settling an enthusiastic Talis into her new workplace Cheryl is sat on the edge of the bed sulking, her arms folded across her stomach.

"I thought you might've consulted with me first, well at least before you invited Dracula's Bride into our house"

"Oooh consulted with you" Kimberley chuckles, sitting down and giving the Geordie a playful poke, "shall I schedule a meeting? Is ten o'clock tomorrow alright for you?"

Cheryl can't help but smile,

"Shut up smartarse! You know what I mean"

Kimberley sighs, wrapping an arm round the Geordie and giving her a squeeze before resting her head on her shoulder.

"Felicity was a major fcuk up, I know that but Talis is totally different..."

Cheryl chuckles,

"You can say that again, I wonder what other piercings she's got hidden under that suit"

"Ha! Who knows! I do know two things though, she's got a damn impressive resume for her age and she plays for our team"

"How do you know that? The second one I mean"

"She told me. She said that as I'd been completely open and honest with the press she wanted to do the same with me, hoped I'd respect her for it and I do. Besides I have her signed up to an initial six month contract, if she doesn't meet standards we can stake her and watch her turn to dust!"

"Seems fair enough" Cheryl nods with a grin, "are you leaving her to keep an eye on things whilst we're at me mam's?"

"Yep and I've asked one of the ladies from the local stables to come and look after Sappho so we're all set for tomorrow. I can't wait!"

"Did you mean what you said before?"


Cheryl pauses in packing the last few items into her holdall, looking across at Kimberley inquiringly.

"When you were sulking about Talis you said that I'd invited her into our house"

"And...?" Cheryl shrugs, her brow forming into a confused frown.

"You referred to the house as ours, you've never done that before, it's always been Kimberley's house or Kimba's place, never our house"

The Bradfordian gives her a hopeful smile,

"Does this mean you've decided to move in with me?"

"Maybe" Cheryl shrugs again, "I don't know what to do for the best"

"Well doesn't this place feel like home now? You've been living here for so long and we've got to know all each other's irritating habits, what's holding you back?"

"The girls, the business" Cheryl sighs, "if I moved in here with you what's next for us and for them?"

"Whatever you want" Kimberley wraps her arms round the Geordie, "you know I'd never expect you to give up Tweedy's. After all it's your life's work and your friends' livelyhood. Lots of famous people's partners do ordinary jobs"

"What, bricklaying? Seriously pet?"

"Ok so maybe not bricklaying but I know a few people in the computer games industry, a nightclub owner, a top surgeon, even a marine biologist!"

"Riiight!" Cheryl laughs as they separate, "you're sooo not making me feel any more confident about me career choice babe but I kinda get what you mean and I think I just might take you up on your offer"

"Yay!" Kimberley does a little victory dance as the grinning Geordie looks on.

"Hey I can see it now! Chezza Tweedy - brickie to the stars!"

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