Chapter 10

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"Another lovely sunny day!" Nadine announces, cheerfully flinging open the bedroom curtains.

"Fancy waking up to that view every morning" she muses looking out over the lush green fields surrounding Kimberley's country home.

"Mmm...the view from here's not bad either" , Sarah replies, patting the empty space beside her, "come back to bed"

Nadine shakes her head, going into the en-suite bathroom,

"Cheryl said she wanted us ready for seven, this job's a big deal for her, we can't let her down"

"I know I know" Sarah grumbles, "we've still got time for a quickie though"

"I thought you'd have still been recovering from last night" Nadine grins, sticking her head round the doorframe.

"I'll do it myself then shall I?" Sarah raises an eyebrow devilishly, kicking the covers off her naked body and running a hand southwards.

"Oh ok" Nadine laughs, approaching the bed and climbing on top of her girlfriend, "you've got fifteen minutes Harding"



"Mmpfh...just a bit longer"

Nicola buries her head in the pillow trying to escape the hand gently shaking her awake.

"Come on, you've had long enough Casper" Cheryl jokes as the redhead's eyes finally open and she gives a big yawn.

"What time is it?" Nicola asks, suddenly remembering that she's stark naked in the Geordie's bed having spent a very pleasurable night with her.

"About half seven" Cheryl replies, tying her hair up and pulling on her work clothes.

"I figured that we might as well have a bit longer seeing as Sardine are always late" she adds referring to the other girls' pet name.

"Yeah" Nicola agrees.

Getting up out of the bed she moves behind Cheryl, sliding her arms around the older woman's waist and planting a kiss on the side of her neck.

"Last night was amazing, as usual, soooo are you going to talk to Kimberley today?"

The Geordie smiles coyly at the mention of the TV presenter's name.

"Mebbes...I still don't know what to say to her though, she's a fcuking big star and I'm a glorified brickie, I'm hardly a catch am I?"

Nicola sighs, punching her lightly on the arm.

"Shut up you lemon, any girl'd be lucky to have you! You're kind, funny, sexy...oh and you've got great stamina"

"I can testify to that" she adds, waggling her eyebrows as Cheryl blushes.

"Maybe I should just let you loose on her" the Geordie jokes, "you've got a great sales patter"

"Nope it has to come from you" Nicola gives her a stern look, "don't chicken out or I'm telling you now you'll regret it"

Her boss shrugs, scratching her head,

"Hmm...if only I knew where to start"


"Come on lazybones, we've been waiting out here for ages!"" Sarah jokes as Cheryl and Nicola join them on the worksite.

"Yeah that's why we saw yous arriving from her bedroom window five minutes ago" the redhead laughs.

"Her bedroom window eh?" Sarah raises an eyebrow questioningly, "you two been shagging again?"

"Well I wouldn't put it like that..." Cheryl starts before Nicola interrupts.

"Yep, it was just a fcuk though...well a couple of fcuks...anyway..." the redhead lowers her voice conspiratorially , "she likes Kimberley, a lot, she's going to talk to her today"

"Seriously?" Nadine questions concerned, "are you sure that's a good idea? I know she was flirty yesterday but what if she only fancied a bit of rough"

Cheryl shakes her head and laughs.

"A bit of rough! Cheers Nads that makes me feel so much better!"

"You get what I mean though" the Irish girl replies.

"I think it's a good idea" Sarah chirps in, "Miss Sexy Arse's minted, get in her knickers and you'd have loads of wonga!"

"It's not all about wonga" Cheryl protests, "and she's not going to be interested anyway, we don't even know she's gay..."

"Or bi" Sarah interrupts, "bi's good enough for me, as long a girl's hot and eats pussy well you're sorted!"

The Geordie rolls her eyes,

"Well thanks for those nuggets of wisdom oh great one, I'll bear them in mind when I'm next faced with Kimberley"

"Ahem" Nadine clears her throat rather loudly, "you might have to do that sooner rather than later, look who's on her way over"

The other three girls turn to see Kimberley approaching them in full riding gear, her helmet in one hand and a crop in the other. Cheryl licks over her lips nervously, tongue darting out to the sides of her mouth as she takes in the older girl's appearance whilst trying not to stare. With minimal make-up and her hair tied back loosely the Bradfordian was still managing to look deeply attractive despite the early hour of the morning.

"Hi" Kimberley waves as she nears them, "I was about to go for my morning ride, I thought I'd drop by and see what you wanted for breakfast first"

"That's kind of you pet, to be honest we're used to dealing with us own needs" Cheryl smiles shyly.

"Hmm...I saw that" Kimberley mutters to herself before speaking up, "well there's nowhere near here for you to get food so I'm guessing a bacon butty and a cuppa wouldn't go amiss? I can get Felicity to organise it for you on my way to the stables"

"What do you think girls?" Cheryl looks at her co-workers all nodding enthusiastically, "that's a yes then, thanks we're not used to such hospitality"

"It's no problem, you need to keep your strength up, if there's anything else you need you know how to get me..." Kimberley trails off, giving the Geordie a broad smile before heading back up to the house.

"Don't know about the horse but I'd give her a bloody good morning ride" Sarah jokes earning a slap on the arm from Nadine.

"What?!" the blonde adds grinning at the Irish girl, "it's not like you didn't get some Harding lurve earlier"

"Mmm...very true" Nadine nods with a wry smile.

"Right girls" Cheryl chuckles, "if we can stop talking about sex for one minute I'd like to go over the plans for today and assign you all your jobs! Once you've had your brekkie I want you two to take the van to the tradeshop, pick up all the goodies Kimberley wanted, Nic you stay with me and we'll get started on the first of the brickwork, that ok?"

"Yes boss" the other three chorus.

"Good, now where's that butty, me stomach thinks me throat's been cut!"

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