Chapter 16

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The next morning bright shafts of sunlight filter through the small gap in the curtains creating random patterns on the walls and bedding. As she awakens Cheryl's eyes flicker open, squinting at the designs. After a few seconds of wondering where the hell she is her mind gradually registers the feel of warm, smooth skin next to hers.

Kimberley. She'd spent most of the night making love with Kimberley in front of the fire until, exhausted and spent, they'd dragged themselves up to the master bedroom.

Now the older woman's naked body was laid up against hers, an arm over her torso, leg flung across her mons pubis creating an uncomfortable pressure on her bladder. Deciding there's nothing for it Cheryl slowly and reluctantly disentangles herself from Kimberley. Sliding out from between the sheets she heads for the bathroom.

Sitting herself down on the toilet she's surprised when, a few seconds later, there's a little tap at the bathroom door and a sleepy looking Kimberley sticks her head round.

"Can I come in?"

"Of course you can, it's your house pet" Cheryl smiles nervously, wiping herself off and reaching for the loo handle.

"Don't flush" Kimberley states urgently, "it's time for my regular detox regime"

"Errr...ok" Cheryl looks warily at her as she reaches for a large plastic bottle from one of the shelves.

"Yep, I can't start the day without my morning enema" the Bradfordian continues cheerily, "now pass me that tubing behind you whilst I fill this up"

"What?!" the Geordie splutters, unable to stop the look of utter horror crossing her face as her eyes whip around the bathroom.

"Wh...what tubing?" she stutters. Turning back round the penny drops as she sees Kimberley casually leant against the basin, grinning devilishly at her.

"Oh my God! I can't believe you just did that! I thought you were proper serious, that's gross!" Cheryl squeals, batting the older woman on the arm as she starts chuckling.

"And I can't believe you fell for it" Kimberley laughs, pulling the Geordie into her arms, "you sucker!"

"Me a sucker?! You're so gonna pay for this when I get you back into bed"

"Oh yeah, is that a promise Tweedy?"


"We really should get up" Cheryl states an hour or so later as they lay naked in each other's arms amongst the rumpled sheets, "the girl's will wonder where I am"

"One look at the state of the front room and I think they'll know where we are" Kimberley smiles happily, still in a blissful post-sex haze.

"I could stay like this all day" she continues, raising Cheryl's hand to her mouth and planting warm kisses over her knuckles.

" too but your extension isn't going to finish itself, Tweedy's always deliver"

"You certainly did last night" Kimberley grins, grabbing Cheryl's buttocks and pulling the Geordie into a lingering kiss.

"Anyway" she continues as they finally come-up for air, "we need to check out the scaffolding again, promise me you'll stick a hard hat on before you go anywhere near it"

"Promise" Cheryl nods, leaning in for another kiss.


"Ooh here comes Casanova! And what time do you call this?!" Sarah teases as, washed and clothed, Cheryl finally descends the large main staircase of the house.

"Seems like someone had a good time last night, you forgot these" Nadine grins, waving a pair of the Geordie's discarded white panties from her long fingers, "the rest of both your clothes are still in the living room"

"You might want to tidy them up" she continues, "I've already had to stop Saz from trying to pocket Kimberley's knickers"

"What!" Sarah gestures to Cheryl, "I was only admiring her taste in undercrackers compared to yours, it's like famous star's sexy Victoria's Secret panties meets builder's boring bloomers in torrid lesbian affair!"

Cheryl shrugs, taking the pants from Nadine's outstretched hand.

"Come on then" the Irish girl urges, "I want to know all the gossip, did she live up to expectations?"

"A lady never tells" Cheryl grins happily, "but let's just say that Kimberley's skills don't just end with TV presenting"

"Woohoo! I knew it!" Sarah whoops loudly, "come on lover girl, one way or another I'm gonna get the juicy stuff out of you"

Laughing Nadine follows the two of them through into the kitchen area,

"Yeah, you interrogate and I'll ring the hospital, see how Nic's doing"

Standing just out of sight at the top of the stairs Kimberley smiles to herself.

Last night had been amazing, the feelings Cheryl had exposed even more incredible than she'd expected. The sex alone was mind blowing but there was so much more to it than that, a deeper connection. It was, she reflected sadly, far too long since she'd been with another woman and she didn't intent to let her new relationship with Cheryl fall victim to her own personal problems.

Strolling back into the bedroom she picks up the phone on the bedside table and dials a familiar number.

"Hi Justin, it's me...."

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