Chapter 20

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"I don't think I've ever seen her so on edge before" Nadine comments, glancing over to where Cheryl's sat fiddling with a piece of electrical equipment, deep in thought.

"I know" Nicola replies, noticing the slight tremor in the Geordie's hands, "whatever happens we've gotta make her know she can trust us as mates, we're there for her whatever right?"

"All for one and one for all! Come 'ere!" Sarah grins, grabbing the other two women into a bear hug.

"Yep she's well and truly off in LaLa land" the blonde adds as Cheryl continues her repairs seemingly unaware.

"Do you think she'd notice if we knocked off early?" she jokes.

"Oh she definitely would and she'd be docking your wages!" Cheryl shouts over, a dimpled smile on her face as all three girls jump.

"You've got ears like a bat!" Nicola exclaims, "you heard all the rest then?"

"Mmhmm" the Geordie nods, looking them all in the eye, "I never doubted that I could trust you but thanks for confirming it, once Kimberley comes out we're going to need all the support we can get"

Cheryl shrugs and gives them a smile,

"I guess I'll find out who me other true friends really are over time eh"

She places the equipment on the ground, getting to her feet as, as if on cue, Kimberley's black four by four hurtles up the long driveway at speed. The car swings round and stops abruptly in front of the house throwing a fine shower of gravel a few inches into the air.

"Bloody hell, now I see why she got those fines" Sarah utters, referring to the occasional blots on Kimberley's otherwise flawless tabloid history, "your girlfriend's a total speed freak Chezza!"

Cheryl smiles, watching nervously as Kimberley eases herself out of the car looking immaculate in figure hugging jeans, knee high boots and some kind of expensive poncho jackety thing which Cheryl had yet to work out.

As she strode over to them Kimberley appeared poised, calm and confident. Cheryl had difficulty believing that this gorgeous creature was the same woman who, just this morning, had been writhing underneath her, begging her for more. The vivid mental image brings with it a surge of pleasure and the Geordie tries to push it aside, all too aware that her urges will have to wait til later.

"Hi guys" Kimberley greets the builders before turning to Cheryl, "I don't suppose I can borrow you for a bit can I?"

"Ooh that depends what it's for!" Sarah jokes.

"Shut up Saz", Cheryl pokes the blonde in the ribs, wrapping an arm round Kimberley's waist "you can borrow us all you like pet"

"Yep" the blonde pipes up again, "so long as you bring her back in one piece, she's been working in a trance most of today"

"Yeah I know, I'm sorry about that, my meeting today was very important, it was understandable that Cheryl would be worried"

"She told us you're thinking of coming out" Nicola comments, "we all think you're being brave, I wouldn't like to be in your position when it kicks off...."

The redhead blushes, trailing off.

"Oh...err...sorry didn't mean it to sound like that, I was trying to be supportive"

Kimberley laughs,

"It's ok, I wish I hadn't got myself into this position but, well, now it's time to start undoing the damage"

"'d it go today then?" Sarah asks bluntly, earning herself another poke in the ribs, this time from Nadine.

"As well as can be expected" Kimberley answers with her usual diplomacy, "but I'd really like to talk to Cheryl in private first so if you'll excuse us"

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