Chapter 21

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"Mam! Garry!"

Cheryl throws her arms round her mum and brother, gathering them together in a group hug.

"I've missed you so much" she continues, eventually letting them go free and picking up their overnight bags, "come on follow me, I didn't tell Nic you were coming so be prepared for more bone crushing hugs!"

The Geordie grins as she sets the bags down in the hallway, watching as Joan and Garry's eyes widen at the size and beauty of Kimberley's impressive home.

"The living room's through there" she gestures with her hand, "stick your coats on the rack and I'll take your stuff upstairs whilst you're saying your hellos"

She's halfway up the stairs when she hears a loud squeal of surprise and happiness from Nicola. If her family were all excited over this she couldn't wait to see what they made of her new girlfriend.


"So Chez what are we really doing here?" Garry questions with puzzlement, "I've tried interrogating Nic but she's keeping schtum"

"Those two weren't any help either" he adds, nodding at Sarah and Nadine who're sat on either side of Joan.

"Yep we were the souls of discretion" Sarah pipes up with a wink, "for once"

"Sit down, relax and I'll make you both a cuppa" Cheryl smiles, "all will be revealed soon"

Garry sighs and plonks himself down next to Nicola.

"Can't you at least give us a clue as to why I feel like I've stepped onto the set of some period drama? This house, the grounds, the security's really fcuking bizarre"

"Nope I already told you enough, I've met someone very special and you're about to meet them too, now listen to your big sis and relax"


Cheryl's bringing the brews through from the kitchen when she hears the familiar sound of gravel flying up off the drive. Hurrying through into the living room she carefully sticks the mugs on top of some coasters.

"Right she's back" the Geordie announces, butterflies of excitement in her stomach as she hears Kimberley call her name.

"Cheryl, where are you?"

"In the living room" Cheryl shouts back, running her tongue across dry lips, "can you come through please"

Kimberley strolls into the front room, carrier bags in hand.

"I got the lager and crisps but they'd run out of those cute little...."

She trails off as she spots Joan and Garry perched on her twin settees, each frozen with a cup of tea halfway to their open mouths. Dumping the carrier bags on the floor she smiles widely.

"Is this them babe?"

"Yeah this's me mam and Garry" Cheryl grins happily, sliding her arms round Kimberley's waist and placing a kiss on her shoulder, "Mam. Garry. Meet Kimberley Walsh, me new girlfriend"

"The...the Kimberley Walsh?!" Garry stutters, staring mesmerised as though the Bradfordian had just grown giant, sparkly wings.

"Hi, yep, the one and only" Kimberley nods, gesturing with her hands, "ta dah!"

"But...but me sister and I don't...I don't get like dick!"

"Garry Tweedy! Really! Bi-sexual people do exist you know!"

The entire room erupts into laughter as Joan chastises her befuddled looking son before smiling at a blushing Kimberley.

"Sorry about him love, I think what he meant to say was that, well, this's a bit unexpected like"

"It's fine" Kimberley grins, "I'm used to people being overwhelmed sometimes, no big deal and I'm...err...I'm not bi but I'll explain all that later"

"I used to have a magazine" Garry interrupts dreamily, "you were in these midnight blue undies..."

"I wondered where all me copies of FHM kept disappearing to!" Cheryl states incredulously, "and why they mysteriously re-appeared with the pages stuck together....gross Garry!"

"Ookaay!" Kimberley winces, "giving me a little too much info there babe"

"Oh, oops! Sorry pet, sorry mam. Maybe we should start again and...err...Garry try to keep those 'special' thoughts to yourself eh"

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