Chapter 3

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Kimberley stops the horse a few feet away from the van, her eyes taking in the row of women in front of her. A cocky-looking short-haired blonde, a pretty redhead nervously fiddling with a bar of chocolate, another blonde with fingers as long as hotdog sausages and, last but certainly not least, a diminutive brunette with deep brown eyes almost hypnotic in their stare.

The Bradfordian swallows, clearing her throat and finally speaking,

"May I ask what business you have here? This's private land"

Cheryl smiles warmly at the rider, reflecting that in reality she was even more beautiful than on screen.

"I'm Cheryl Tweedy, the owner of Tweedy's building firm, you hired me and my crew for your extension", she extends her hand confidently, "it's a pleasure to meet you Miss Walsh"

The blonde smiles, leaning down to take the Geordie's hand in hers, shaking it firmly.

"Likewise, please call me Kimberley and it wasn't me who took you on it was my PA Felicity"

She gazes around and mutters under her breath,

"Wherever the bloody woman is"

Cheryl gazes up at her uncomfortably,

"I'm afraid us van's broken down, would it be possible for us to take a look at the job then I can call an autoshop on my mobile?"

"Nonsense" Kimberley shakes her head, swinging her leg over and dismounting the steed, "you can use the phone up at the house"

She unbuckles her riding helmet, taking it off and tucking it under her arm before grabbing the horse's reins.

"It's not far, we'll walk you up there, won't we Sappho?" she turns to the horse rubbing its head lovingly.

This place is fcuking amazing" Nicola whispers excitedly, looking round the vast expanse of Kimberley's hallway, "I feel like I'm in one of those fancy costume dramas"

"Yeah, like Jane Eyre" Nadine adds, "as long as there's no madwoman in the attic!"

"Don't know about any madwoman but stick me in some britches and I'll be Kimberley's Mr Darcy any day!" Sarah grins and waggles her eyebrows suggestively.

"Rochester" Nadine interrupts.


"You mean Rochester not Mr Darcy, Mr Darcy's in Pride and Prejudice" Nadine rolls her eyes, "it's a different book and a different author, honestly Sarah!"

"Oooh!" Sarah pulls her tongue out at her girlfriend, "excuse me for having a joke in front of the walking Encyclopedia!"

"Anyway" she continues as Nicola giggles, "am I detecting a hint of jealousy my little love leprechaun?"

"No, of course not" , Nadine folds her arms defensively, "you're just always perving over other women"

"Aww...sorry babe", Sarah sticks her bottom lip out and draws the Irish girl into her arms.

"It was difficult not to look though, did you see the tightness of those jodhpurs? That was one serious camel-toe!"

"You just can't help yourself can you?!" Nadine shakes her head, laughing, "you'll be smelling her sweaty undercrackers next!"

"'ve gotta admit it, she is smokin' hot", the blonde nuzzles into the Irish girl's neck, "not as hot as you though sexy"

"Get a room", Nicola grins at the two blondes as she makes her way through her second bar of Dairy Milk.

Sarah winks at Nadine, gesturing towards the long staircase in front of them.

"Hey, do ya fancy testing out some of the beds upstairs? Bet they've not seen much action since Lady Muck split up with that Justin bloke, I heard she'd become celibate", the blonde shakes her head in mock sadness, "such a waste of such a fine arse"

"You're crazy! We'd get thrown off her property before we even got started" Nadine looks back at her alarmed.

"Oh babe I'm disappointed..." Sarah lowers her voice, "...I was going to do that thing with my tongue that you like"

Nadine turns a bright shade of red as Nicola almost chokes on her last chunk of chocolate.

"Crikey Saz...too much information!" she splutters.


Sarah's reply is cut off by the sound of approaching feet, Cheryl's heavy work boots and Kimberley's riding boots echoing on the tiled floor.

"Right then, you're all sorted" Kimberley beams at the three girls, "my PA should be along in a minute to give you the job specifications and she'll show you where you'll be staying"

The Bradfordian wipes her brow, turning back to Cheryl,

"I've got to get going but if you need anything you can normally find me in either the stables or the west wing of the house"

"Actually" she thinks for a moment before heading over to the telephone table, "I'll give you my mobile number just in case"

There's a collective intake of breath as the blonde leans over the table to scribe her digits on a piece of paper, her jacket riding up to reveal even more of the amazing MFA. Managing to tear her eyes from the sight Sarah turns to Nadine, raising an eyebrow at the gawping Irish girl.

"Now look who's perving" she whispers, a wide grin on her face.

"There you go", the Bradfordian straightens up, turning round to give the paper to Cheryl as the other three girls quickly feign interest in the hall décor.

"Now I know Felicity hired you so I'm sure you came highly recommended but, remember, this number's for your eyes only" a serious look crosses the blonde's face, "if I find out you've passed it on to any friends, paparazzi, whoever you'll be off my land quicker than you can blink"

She pauses, licking over her lips,

"The same goes for snooping around, taking photos on your mobiles, anything like that, it's unacceptable, understand?"

The builders nod emphatically and the Bradfordian gives a small sigh of relief, smiling again.

"Good, glad we've sorted that nasty business, ah here's Felicity" she grimaces, "I'm off, I'll see you later".

She walks off quickly as a skinny bleached blonde with frighteningly long painted fingernails totters into the hallway, her heels barely holding her up as she eyes up the motley crew before her with distaste.

"You must be the builders, right, lets get started" the PA's nasally voice cuts through the air as she ushers them after her, "come on, I've not got all day"

The four exchange a look of disgust at the arrogant blonde's attitude as they troop along behind her, heading for their first day's work....

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