part 1

72 2 1

Ethan's pov

Early in the morning my alarm went off for school i groaned as i opened my eyes and turned off my alarm clock and grabbed my phone to see benny had messaged me several times


Benny: hey ethan

Benny: its snowing

Benny: can your mom drive us to school?

Ethan: i dont know

I put my phone on my dresser and got out of bed and got dressed as i walked downstairs and grabbed my jacket and my bookbag and walked outside and walked to school

I walked into the school building and benny and rory walked over to me as i walked over to my locker and opened my locker, i put my bag and jacket into my locker and closed it and walked to class

I walked over to our table and sat down as mr. G handed us our work and benny and rory started talking to me

" Dude, theirs this senior party after school " benny said as i sighed

" Im not going " i said as benny and rory got confused

" What?? " Benny said

" Dude, you gotta go theirs gonna be seniors " rory said as i rolled my eyes

" Im not going " i said as i got up and walked over to mr. G and handed him my work as i left the classroom and my friends followed me

We walked to the cafeteria and I grabbed my tray and got in line as i grabbed my food and benny and rory got in line

" Come on ethan, its a senior party " benny said

" Dude i dont want to go " i said as i grabbed my tray and turned around and bumped into a boy with brown hair and glasses and we dropped our trays

" Sorry " i said as we both knelt down and started picking up our trays

" Its cool " the boy said as we laughed and looked at each other and my smile slowly started fading as i looked away and we both got up

" Im max " the boy said as he held out his hand

" Im ethan " i said as i shook his hand

" I gotta go " max said as he walked away and i walked over to my table and sat down

" What happened? " Benny asked me as he sat down next to me

" I dropped my tray " i said as a girl with long brown hair and blonde highlights walked over to us and sat at our table

" Hey " the girl said as i looked at her

" Um..hi " i said as the girl smiled

" My name's Emily " emily said as i awkwardly smiled

" Im ethan " i said as me and emily got up and walked through the hallway

" Ill see you later " emily said as i walked to my locker and opened it and benny and rory walked over to me

" Who was that? " Benny asked me

" Emily, she's in my class " i said as i closed my locker and walked home

I walked home and walked inside my house and walked upstairs and walked into my room and sat on my bed and opened my bookbag and grabbed my homework as i got a message on my phone, i grabbed my phone and it was emily

I smiled at my messages and I grabbed my jacket and walked downstairs and walked to the senior party, i looked around for emily and benny bumped into me

" Dude, i thought you weren't coming " benny said as i sighed

" Emily texted me " i said as benny smiled

" She's talking to jesse " benny said as i turned to see emily and jesse talking

" Oh " i said as emily seen me and walked over to me and smiled

" Hey " emily said

" Hey " i said as emily and benny looked at each other

" Why were you talking to jesse? " I asked emily

" He's my friend " emily said as she grabbed my hand and walked me inside the house as we walked upstairs and walked into a bedroom and i shut the door behind me

Emily sat on a bed and i sat next to her and i felt nervous as she looked at me and smiled

" Are you okay? " Emily asked me

" I've never had a girlfriend before " i said

" Its cool " emily said as i smiled at her

Benny's pov

I left the party and walked home and walked inside my house and my grandma made dinner so i sat at the table and ate and got up and put my dish in the sink and walked to my bedroom as i layed in my bed and fell asleep

I woke up and ethan knocked on my door and walked into my room so i got up and he sat on my bed

" What are you doing here? " I asked ethan

" I wanted to talk to you " ethan said

" About what? " I asked ethan

" Something happened to me after you left the party " ethan said

" What? " I said

" After me and emily went upstairs we talked for awhile and i asked her to be my girlfriend and we had sex " ethan said as i smiled

" Really? " I said

" Yeah, but we didnt use a condom " ethan said

" Dude " i said

" I know " ethan said

" Do you want to spend the night? " I asked ethan

" Yeah " ethan said as he made a bed on the floor and we fell asleep

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