part 2

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Ethan's pov

In the morning i got up and looked at my phone and i texted emily and i walked downstairs and i made myself something to eat and grabbed my bag and jacket and left my house and walked to school as sarah walked over to me

" Hey ethan, what's wrong? " Sarah asked me

" Nothing, emily hasn't texted me back " i said as sarah sighed

" She's probably in class " sarah said as i walked into the building and walked over to my locker

" She hasn't texted me for over a week " i said as i opened my locker and put my bag and jacket in my locker and closed my locker

" I really like her " i said as sarah sighed

" Go talk to her " sarah said as i seen emily by her locker so i walked over to her

" Hey emily " i said as emily looked at me

" Oh hey " emily said as she looked at me

" Are you okay? " I asked emily

" Yeah, i gotta go " emily said as she closed her locker and walked away

Emily's pov

I closed my locker and walked to class because i didnt know what to say to ethan, during class i had been feeling sick so i texted my mom and she drove to the school and i got up and left the school as my mom drove me to the doctor

In the waiting room my doctor called my name as i got up and walked into a room and sat down and my doctor looked at me

" So what's the problem? " My doctor asked me

" I think im pregnant " i said nervously as my doctor sighed

I left the building and my mom got in the car as we drove home and i got out and walked inside my house and walked upstairs and walked into my room as i sat on my bed and grabbed my notebook and started writing in my journal

In the morning i got up and got dressed and walked downstairs as i grabbed my bookbag and left the house and walked to school, i walked into the building and seen ethan by his locker and i tried walking away

" Hey em " ethan said as he walked over to me

" Hey " i said

" I wanted to talk to you " ethan said

" About what? " I said

" About why you've been acting so weird " ethan said

" Ethan, what are you talking about? " I asked him

" Are you breaking up with me? " Ethan asked me

" No " i said as ethan gave me a look

I walked away and walked to mr. G's class and did my work and got up and walked home, i walked inside my house and walked into the living room and sat on the couch

After about a few months me and ethan stopped talking and i started hanging out with sarah as she helped me babysit my baby brother, i walked into my brother's room and he looked at me as i grabbed his phone

" What? " Jake asked me

" You need to clean " i said as jake got up and sighed

" Whatever " jake said

I left the room and walked downstairs and sarah was sitting on the couch as i walked over to her and sat down

" Sorry my little brother is so annoying " i said as sarah smiled

" Its cool, so why'd you and ethan break up? " Sarah asked me

" Okay so i broke up with him because i was having a baby " i said as Sarah's smiled sank to a frown

" What? " Sarah said

" Please dont say anything " i said as sarah was confused

" Okay " sarah said

Me and sarah watched a movie and she got a text from ethan and she got up and left my house and i walked upstairs and walked into my room and layed down as i fell asleep

I woke up and got dressed and walked downstairs and grabbed my bookbag and left the house and walked to school as i walked into the school building and walked over to my locker as i opened it and put my bookbag into my locker and closed it and walked to my cooking class

Ethan's pov

In the hallway me and benny were talking by my locker when a school of eighth graders walked into the building touring our school

" What's going on? " Benny asked me

" Probably eighth graders touring our school " i said as three kids were playing around and bumped into me and benny making us drop our stuff so they knelt down to help us

" Sorry " one of the boys said as i looked at him and he looked at me

" Its okay " i said as i furrowed my brows and me and the boy slowly got up

" Jake, come on " another boy said as he grabbed the boys arm and they walked away

" What was that about? " Benny asked me

" Nothing " i said as we walked to class

At home i was playing video games on my computer when i got a message on my phone so i answered it and got up and walked downstairs and benny walked into my house as we sat in the living room and watched movies as we fell asleep

Emily's pov

At home i was doing my homework when jake walked into the living room and sat down and i sighed

" What are you doing? " I asked jake as he looked at me

" Nothing " jake said

" What happened at school? " I asked jake

" We took a tour at whitechapel high " jake said

" What?? " I said as my smile sank to a frown

" Yeah and me and my friends were playing around and i bumped into this nerd " jake said

" What?? " I said as i got up

" What? " Jake said

" He was kinda cute though " jake said as i gave him a weird look

" Ew jake " i said as jake got confused

" What is wrong with you? " Jake asked me

" Nothing " i said

" Whatever " jake said as he got up and walked upstairs and i sat on the couch and grabbed my phone as i texted sarah and she walked over to my house as we sat on the couch

" Whats going on? " Sarah asked me

" I dont want ethan to know i had a baby but Jakes eighth grade class toured whitechapel today " i said as sarah was confused

" I dont understand " sarah said

" Jake is Ethan's son " i said as Sarah's jaw dropped

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