part 19

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Ethan's pov

In the afternoon me and Benny and Rory were in the kitchen talking about Jake's amnesia while Jake and his friends were sitting in the living room playing video games, I noticed Matt sitting at the table bummed out because Jake refused to hangout with him

" Hey Jake, can you come in here for a minute? " I asked him as he walked into the living room

" What? " Jake said

" Um so do you know how to cook? " I asked him as he nodded

" I take cooking classes at school " Jake said

" Cool, um so would you mind helping Matt make dinner? " I asked Jake who shrugged his shoulders

Jake's pov

I started grabbing pots and pans as Ethan and Benny mumbled to Matt and Matt walked over to me

" I was told to help you cook " Matt said as he grabbed some veggies and started cutting them up with a knife

Ethan and his friends walked into the living room leaving me and Matt in the kitchen

I grabbed some flour and chicken and started mixing the chicken into the flour and placed it in a pan and started cooking it

" Hey about what happened a week really didn't have to do that " Matt said as I looked at him

" Oh what you mean punching my friends in their faces because they were bullying someone for no reason? " I said as Matt nodded

" Yea-ow! " Matt said as he accidentally cut his finger

" What? " I said as Matt showed me that he cut his finger from his nail to his knuckle

" How did you manage to- " I said but Matt shrugged his shoulders

" My mother keeps a first aid kit in the bathroom" I said as I went to go get the first aid kit and walked back over to Matt as I placed the kit on the counter

Matt washed his finger and then I grabbed his hand and I gasped as my head started aching so I felt my head as I got a flashback of me and Matt in eighth grade where he cut his finger with a nail

" Ow! " I groaned as Matt gave me a confused look

" Are you okay? " Matt asked me

" Y-yeah, I just remembered something that's all " I said as I looked at Matt

" Oh really? What did you remember? " Matt asked me

" Just you cutting your finger in eighth grade " I said as Matt snickered about it

" Yeah, my mom warned me about playing with my dad's toolbox but I wouldn't listen to her " Matt said as I smirked at him as me and Matt stared at each other

" I remember that....she kept yelling at you to stay out of your dad's toolbox and you ignored her...she grounded you for a week " I said as I snickered

" Yeah, then her and my dad took me to the doctor's for a tetanus shot because the nails weren't even clean " Matt said as I giggled

I realized I had been holding Matt's hand for way to long so I quickly cleaned his cut and wrapped it up with a bandaid and got back to cooking

After awhile we set out plates on the table and most of my friends had left but Matt stayed, we sat at the table and started eating and Ethan's dad walked into the living room

" So how's school been going? " Ross asked Ethan

" Pretty good " Ethan said

" So Jake any school activities? " Samantha asked me

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