part 8

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Cassie's pov

Early in the morning I got up and got dressed and walked downstairs as my mom made me some breakfast so I sat at the table and ate my pancakes and my mom sat at the table and talked to me

" hey sweetie, so how has school been going? " my mother asked me

" pretty good, I've been babysitting for my friend Ethan " I said as my mother got confused

" Ethan, Ethan Morgan? " my mother asked me

" yeah, he has a 13 year old son named Jake " I said as my mother's eyes widened

" he has a son in highschool? " my mother asked me

" yeah, we're teenagers mom " i said as she shook her head

" How long have you known Ethan? " my mother asked me

" a long time " I said as I finished my breakfast and put my dish in the sink as I left the house and walked to school

Jake's pov

I walked into Whitechapel high with Matt and Matt started looking around as we got to my locker

" what? " I said

" nothing, I'm just looking for Cassie " Matt said as I rolled my eyes

" why? " I said as I put my stuff in my locker

" because she's cute " Matt said

" dude, she's a sophomore " I said as two girls Matt's age walked by us and smiled at us

" hi Matt " one of the girls said

" hey " Matt said

" which class are you headed to? " the girl asked Matt

" science " Matt said as he seen Cassie walk over to her locker

" maybe I'll see you there? " the girl said

" yeah " Matt said staring at Cassie as the girls walked away

" hey Cassie " Matt said as Cassie looked at us and smiled

" hey " Cassie said as she closed her locker and walked over to us

" what class are you guys going to? " Cassie asked us

" science " Matt said as I sighed and closed my locker

" math " I said

" sweet, I'm going to health class...but I'll see you guys around " Cassie said as she walked away

" yeah, sure " Matt said as I punched him in his shoulder and he tried to hide the pain as he groaned

" what was that for?? " Matt asked me

" because your desperate " I said as me and Matt started walking to class

" I can't help it she's's your parents fault for hiring a cute babysitter " Matt said as we walked by his science class

" Julie is available...ask her out " I said as we looked at Julie and Stacy who were at their desk talking

" Juliet just got out of a relationship and Stacy is annoying " Matt said as Juliet seen me and Matt talking so she got up and walked over to us

" hey Matt " Juliet said as Matt sighed

" hey Juliet " Matt said kinda annoyed

" I made you this " Juliet said as she handed Matt a bracelet

" um thanks " Matt said as he took the bracelet and put it on

" your welcome " Juliet said as she bit her lip and walked away

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