part 13

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Jesse's pov

After watching Jake and his friends for weeks I came up with a great idea to help Jake's powers get stronger, Jake started visiting the council more and more often to practice his abilities and Matt didn't like it but ever since Matt started hanging out with the wrong crowd Jake and Matt's friendship went downhill

Jake got tired of vaping with Matt's fake friends and tried to call it quits with them but him and Matt got into a huge argument over it, I kinda got the feeling Jake was jealous of Matt and cassie's friendship because it reminded me of when Sarah babysits Ethan

I took Jake on flying lessons and taught him to control his powers a lot more, he started saving more and more people and I eventually gave him a disguise...

Ethan's pov

Me and Benny were playing basketball video games when Emily texted me to come over so me and Benny paused our game and walked downstairs as Benny sighed when I opened the door

" What?? " I asked Benny

" I'm just sick and tired of going over to her house whenever their might be a problem " Benny said as I scoffed

" Come on " I said as we walked over to Emily's house

We walked inside after knocking and I heard rummaging upstairs so me and Benny walked upstairs to see Emily cleaning Jake's room

" What the hell are you doing? " Benny asked Emily who rolled her eyes

" Cleaning my kids room " Emily said as I sighed

" Is this what you asked me to come over for? " I asked Emily who shook her head and handed me a permission slip as Benny started looking around

" What's this? " I asked Emily

" It's a permission slip from Jake's teacher...Jake is going on a field trip to the zoo " Emily said as I grabbed the permission slip and started signing it

As I signed the permission slip Benny found a cell phone in one of Jake's drawers and started looking at it

" Who's is this? " Benny asked me and Emily as we looked at him

" Oh that's Jake's cellphone " Emily said as Benny handed it to me and I took it and smiled as I checked his messages

I found his Instagram and looked through it as I looked at his posts and my heart slipped multiple beats and slipped into my stomach when I seen videos of Jake and Matt vaping with his friends

" Dude, are you good? " Benny asked me as I nodded

" Y-yeah, um where's Jake? " I asked Emily

" He's out with his friends, why? " Emily said as she got up and crossed her arms as I showed her the videos

Me and Emily walked downstairs and had a huge talk in the kitchen while Benny sat in the living room

" What do you wanna do? " Emily asked me

" I don't know, I've never dealt with stuff like this before...." I said as Emily sighed

" We could ground him and see if things change " Emily said as I nodded

After we finished talking Jake walked through the door with his basketball and we asked him to sit down at the table, he gave us a confused look as he walked over to us and sat down...I showed him the posts of him and his friends vaping and Jake sighed

" Jake, when we asked you if that vape pen was yours we expected you to tell the let me ask you again was the vape pen yours?? " Emily asked Jake as Benny listened in the kitchen while looking at his phone

" Yeah, I got it from a friend of mine at school " Jake said quietly as he felt tears slowly building up

" What friend? Better question how long have you been vaping? " I asked Jake

" About half a and Matt ditched school to go hangout with Austin and his friends at the diner downtown and Matt gave me his vape to try " Jake said as Benny raised his eyebrows and his eyes widened

" Okay so first you lied to me about why you ditched school and now you lied about this..." Emily said annoyed

" Um you lied about being my sister and that my mother is actually my grandmother " Jake said to gaslight the situation

" Really? Gaslighting me to get out of our situation? Unbelievable " Emily said as Benny tried not to snickered

" So me and your mom came to an agreement...your grounded for a month no tv, no video games, no phone, no going outside, no friends over " I said as Jake's jaw dropped

" What? " Jake said

" After dinner go brush your teeth and get ready for bed " Emily said as Jake sighed and got up and walked upstairs

" Wow " Benny said as we looked at him

" I'm home " Emily's mom said as she walked through the door

" Oh no " Emily said

" Do you want to tell her? " I asked Emily

" I might as well " Emily said knowing how her mother is

" How do you think she's gonna react? " Benny asked Emily

" You don't know my mom...she gets angry over pretty much everything " Emily said as her mom walked into the kitchen and opened a cabinet as she got up

" Um mom I have to talk to you about something " Emily said as she sighed and filled her cup up with tea

" What is it about? " My mom said

" It's about Jake " Emily said as she wasn't really paying attention

" What about him? " My mom said as she drank her tea

" So a few days ago he ditched school and lied about it to hangout with his friends, then I found a vape pen in his bookbag and he lied about that to and then Ethan checked his phone to find out Jake has been vaping with his friends..." Emily said as her mother sighed and smiled

" What did you do about it? " My mother asked me

" Well we grounded Jake for a month " Emily said as her mother smiled

" Okay " my mother said as she walked away

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