part 17

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Ethan's pov

It had been over a year since Jake and Matt got kidnapped by Jesse and Cassie, me and Benny were still searching for clues about their whereabouts but we always ended up at a dead end....Emily stopped searching and gave up believing that jake and matt were both dead, during school students were putting up missing students posters all over the walls of Jake and Matt and it made me start thinking about them

I seen Emily at her locker and I walked over to her but she didn't seem to happy to be talking about the situation

" Hey, so did you learn anything new about Jake and Matt's whereabouts? " I asked her as she sighed and closed her locker

" No, I honestly gave up searching for them mainly cause it's been over a year and we haven't learned anything new " Emily said as she looked at me

" Are you kidding me? You're seriously gonna give up on our son just like that? " I asked her as she walked away

" Yeah, I am " Emily said walking away as I scoffed

Jake's pov

Back in Skylar's lair me and Matt slowly woke up from a deep sleep, as we both looked around we realized we were strapped down onto our beds with needles in our arms, Matt started shouting for help as he struggled to get free from the straps

" Matt, Matt, chill bro! " I shouted as Matt started crying

" Where are we?? " Matt asked me

" Your asking me as if I would know? " I said as Cassie walked in smiling as she shut the door behind her

" Cassie? I'm glad your me a favor and help me get free " I said as Matt rolled his eyes

" I don't think so " Cassie said

" Dude, she's the reason we're here....and her names not even Cassie it's Skylar " Matt said as I looked at him

" Why are you doing this? " I asked Cassie

" Because of your powers....I knew the moment I saw you that you were the one with extraordinary abilities that you were not even aware of.....and with my knowledge I can help you control them and use them to stop my brother " Cassie said smiling

" So you want to take control of my powers? " I asked her as she crossed her arms and scoffed

" No, I meant his powers " Cassie said as she pointed at Matt who furrowed his brows

" Cassie, I don't have powers " Matt said as she started typing into a computer and a machine Started up and scanned Matt as it revealed on screen a multiple list of abilities that Matt has

" Don't have powers huh? " I said as Matt gave me a blank stare as Cassie started typing into a machine

" Cassie, what are you doing?? " I asked her

" I'm draining your guys powers " Cassie said as a machine started up and started scanning me and Matt as volts of electricity started shocking me and Matt as we both groaned in pain

" Cassie, please! " I shouted as the machine stopped shocking us

" Relax, it'll only be a minute " Cassie said as the machine started up again and volts of electricity shocked us as I started feeling weaker

" W-wait, Cassie stop! " Matt said as I started passing out

Ethan's pov

After awhile of searching for Jake and Matt Benny finally found a secret location, we grabbed our bags and we drove to a lair and as we walked inside we found a room protected by glass with matt and Jake strapped to tables unconscious, Sarah unlocked one of the doors with her strength and we ran inside

" Oh my God, Jake, Matt wake up " I said as I tried shaking them awake and Cassie walked in smiling

" There not gonna wake up " Cassie said as she crossed her arms and I gave her a look

" Why not? " I said as she smiled

" Because their dead " Cassie said as my jaw dropped

" No there not " I said as I continued to try and wake Jake and Matt up

" Ethan! It's over, there gone " Benny said as I started crying

Sarah grabbed a steak out of the bag and snuck up behind Cassie and stabbed her in the back as she disappeared into thin air

We unstrapped Jake and Matt and carried them to the car as we drove back to the house, after we got to the house Benny's grandma used her powers to scan jake and matt as she sighed

" Their gonna be alright, there just unconscious..." Benny's grandma said as we all sighed

" Thank you " I said as Matt and Jake slowly started waking up

" Where are we? " Jake asked us as they got up off the couch

" Your home bud " I said as he got confused

" Cool, just one question...who are you people?? " Jake asked me as Matt gave me a look

" Grandma " Benny said as she sighed

" Give me a minute " Benny's grandma said as she walked upstairs with Jake

After awhile she walked back downstairs and sighed as looked at us

" He has memory loss from trauma but it's common especially in young folks " Benny's grandma said

" How long until his memory comes back? " I asked her

" I don't know, just don't pressure him...." Benny's grandma said before she left the house

After a few weeks Jake met a new friend at school and brought him over and Matt started getting jealous because Jake didn't remember him

" This is my friend Charlie " Jake said as charlie smiled at us

( Charlie is played by Eric loyd )

" Hi " charlie said

" Hey Jake, do you wanna go play some basketball? " Matt asked Jake as he gave Matt a weirded out look

" Nah, let's go play some football " charlie said as Jake nodded

" Have fun " I said as Jake and Charlie left without Matt

" You alright, Matt? " I asked him as Matt looked bummed out

" I just kind of miss my best friend " Matt said as I nodded

" Then go join them " Benny said as Matt sighed

Matt's pov

After an hour I walked to the football court where Jake and Charlie and his friends were playing football, as I watched them charlie walked over to Jake and high fived him but Jake didn't get a vision which confused me

After awhile I walked back to the Morgan's house and stayed for dinner as I sat across from Jake

" So Jake why don't you and your friends go play some video games? " Ethan said as we walked upstairs to Jake's old bedroom

" Hey do you guys wanna spend the night? " Jake asked me and Charlie

" Sure " we both said as I furrowed my brows

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