part 18

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Matt's pov

In the morning during school I watched Jake hangout with his new group of friends and sit with them at lunch as I started sitting with Ethan and his friends, Ethan and his friends started talking about Star wars and limited edition items that were getting ready to come out but my focus was on Jake...I know Ethan told me not to push Jake's memory to come back but I didn't want to lose my best friend to some other dude

After school I walked to my house and ran into my bedroom as I started looking through my closet and found a childhood basketball that Jake gave me and signed his initials on along with mine, I sighed as I walked over to the Morgan's house and walked upstairs as I knocked on Jake's door and he opened it up as I looked at him

" I wanted to know if you wanted to play some basketball with me? " I asked him as he furrowed his brows and looked at the basketball

" That's so weird " Jake said as I got confused

" What?? " I asked him as he slowly grabbed the ball out of my hands and we slowly walked into his room

" N-nothing it's just this ball is kind of familiar to me..." Jake said as I sighed

" Oh really, how? " I asked

" I don't know " Jake said feeling frustrated

" It's okay, I'll see you later I guess " I said as Jake nodded and smirked as I left his room

Jake's pov

I sat on my bed and stared at the basketball in my hands as I noticed four initials on the side of the basketball and I slowly ran my fingers across the initials as I gasped and my eyes turned white as I saw the same boy walking through a cloud of fog completely confused and then he was getting crowded by some students at our school

After my vision came back I dropped the basketball and got up as I felt completely confused by what just happened, in the morning I walked to school and my friends were staring at the boy who gave me the basketball

I walked over to my friends as they kept glancing and laughing at the boy who turned and looked at us

" What's so funny? " I asked them as charlie looked at me

" Get this, so during gym we're gonna jump Matt...." Charlie said as my head started aching as I felt my forehead

" Oh cool " I said as we all walked to class

During gym class I felt nervous as we were in the locker room and all the other students left as my friends walked over to the boy named Matt as he looked at them

" Where do you think your going dork? " Charlie said as him and the other boys started getting closer to Matt who slowly started backing up

" Leave me alone " Matt said as he rolled his eyes and tried to leave but charlie and Jordan stopped him and shoved him back as I furrowed my brows

" Or what? You gonna call your mommy and daddy " charlie said as my head started pounding again as I groaned in pain

" Stop " Matt said as charlie shoved him into the wall

I closed my locker and walked over to them as Matt looked at me

" Dude, come on stop...let's just go to lunch " I said as charlie scoffed

" No " charlie said as Matt tried to leave but charlie stopped him

He shoved Matt into Jordan and Jordan shoved Matt into me so I furrowed my brows and punched both charlie and Jordan in the face as they ran out of the locker room

" Um didn't have to do that " Matt said as he lightly smiled at me

" Whatever " I said as I left the locker room

After school as I was grabbing my bookbag out of my locker as I saw Matt and a girl hugging each other and I felt the aching pain in my head again so I groaned as I held my head and I got a flashback of me and Matt


Me and Matt were standing inside of my house by the door as we looked at each other and I could kind of feel my heart skipping several beats as I was looking into his eyes

" So I guess this is it, huh? " Matt said as I sighed

" Y-yeah, I'm really sorry " I said as Matt lightly smiled

" It's okay, I guess I'll see you around " Matt said as I nodded

" Yeah, I'll see you " I said as me and Matt leaned in and hugged as I wrapped my arms around his waist and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and I kind of didn't want to let go

For a minute we were kind of swaying while hugging so we both decided to pull apart as we awkwardly looked at each other

" What the hell was that? " Matt asked me

" I don't know, I'm never doing that again " I said as Matt opened the door and left

As the flashback ended my nose started bleeding and Ethan and his friends walked over to me

" Hey bud, are you okay...come on " Ethan said as they walked me home

At home I sat down on the couch holding a tissue to my nose as Ethan and Benny and Rory and Sarah walked into the living room

" So why exactly did your nose start bleeding?? " Ethan asked me as I looked at him realizing that he kind of looked like me

" Um...I don't know, I saw Matt and some girl hugging and then I started remembering me and him kind of hugging and I started getting this aching pain in my head " I said as Ethan furrowed his brows

" What do you mean you two were hugging? " Ethan asked me

" Um we hugged " I said as Benny sighed

" Okay, maybe he's experiencing flashbacks " Benny said as Ethan nodded

" What's that? " I asked Ethan

" Okay so sometimes when someone experiences something traumatic they shove that experience to the back of their head....and sometimes it comes back when they see something similar to the situation that happened " Ethan said as he tried his best to explain a flashback

" So because I saw Matt and a girl being extremely friendly with each reminded me of something that happened between me and Matt " I said confused as Ethan got confused himself as he looked at Benny who shrugged his shoulders

" I-i think " Ethan said as he also shrugged his shoulders

" So I have a thing for Matt " I said as Ethan and Benny looked at me

" What?? " They both said as they looked at me

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