part 15

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Jake's pov

In the morning I decided to sleep in because it was the weekend, after awhile I started feeling sick to my stomach so I got up and walked downstairs but my mom wasn't home, before I walked back upstairs there was a knock at my front door so I walked over to the door and opened it to see Cassie

" Hey " I said as Cassie walked into the house

" Hey, what's up? " Cassie said as I shut the door

" Nothing, I'm just not feeling good " I said as  Cassie felt my forehead

" Your burning up " Cassie said as she walked with me to my bedroom

" Stay in bed and I'll get you some medicine" " Cassie said as I layed in my bed and she went to get some medicine

After she got some medicine she came back to my room and she poured some blue liquid onto a spoon and I drank it as I almost threw up

" Ugh, what was that? " I said disgusted as she smiled

" My secret recipe for vampires " Cassie said as furrowed my brows

" What's in it? " I asked her

" Medicine " Cassie said as I smiled at her

After Cassie left my room I slowly fell asleep and my parents came home

Cassie's pov
I sat in the living room after checking on Jake multiple times before his parents walked through the door

" Hey, I didn't know you were babysitting today " Ethan said as I looked at him

" Well I'm glad I am Jake is sick and has a fever...where were you guys? " I asked them as they gave me a confused look

" What do you mean Jake has a fever...vampires can't get sick " Ethan said as Emily had a suspicious look on her face when Benny looked at her

" Okay well if he's a vampire how is he sick? " Benny asked us

" I don't know " Ethan said sighing

" I checked on him five times within the hour and gave him some medicine to help with the guys need to be more cautious when taking care of him, okay vampires are very fragile and super sensitive when it comes to being sick anything can weaken their immune system  " I said as Ethan and Benny and Emily all gave me a look from how much I knew about vampires

" Make sure to get him some organic blood from the blood truck that runs through Whitechapel and keep some in a fridge, this should help it's a medicine made for vampires called Blue ivy...I made it myself " I said as I handed Ethan the medicine tube and he took it

Benny's pov

After Cassie left the house we all walked to the kitchen and leaned against the table as Ethan set the medicine bottle on the counter

" How does she know so much about vampires? " Emily asked us

" I don't know " Ethan said as he walked upstairs to check on Jake

" How much does he really know about Cassie? " Emily asked me

" Well he's known her since freshman year before he met you, she was the only girl in high school that would actually talk to us besides Sarah and occasionally Erica " I said as Emily nodded

" I figured they seem super close but it also feels like he doesn't fully know her as well as he thinks he she's got secrets...I mean has he ever hung out with her outside of school? " Emily asked me

" Well yeah, she helped Sarah babysit Jane sometimes and we've all gone to the movies before " I said as Ethan walked back downstairs and sighed

" Well he's completely out " Ethan said as I nodded

" So Ethan how did you meet Cassie? " Emily asked him

" Oh, she was in my English class and she just started talking to me and I found out she was a junior and she gave me her number and we continued talking from their " Ethan said as Emily looked like she felt some jealousy that their was another girl before her

" Was this before or after you met me? " Emily asked him as he furrowed his brows

" Before, why are you asking me these questions like me and Cassie dated before...your just a friend and so is Cassie..." Ethan said to Emily as I snickered

" Yeah, besides Ethan's got the hots for Sarah " I said as Ethan side eyed Benny

" Oh really, you dated me and now you have a thing for my bff? Why do guys always do that? " Emily said as she complained about it

" Since when are you and Sarah bff's she only came over to help you babysit who she thought was your she barely talks to you because you lied to her " Ethan said to Emily

" Guys, chill out....alright, first off Ethan has a point if Jake is a vampire how is he sick? " I said as Emily side eyed me

" I told you I don't know " Ethan said as Emily sighed

" What I wanna know is how does Cassie know how to take care of a vampire in the first place " Emily asked us as she crossed her arms

" Y-yeah, that's a good one " Ethan said as he sighed

" Is she friends with Jesse? " I asked Ethan

" Not that I know of " Ethan said as Emily rolled her eyes

" Whatever, until I know for sure that she's not working for or friends with Jesse I don't want her around my son " Emily said as Ethan gave her a look

" Your son? Um if I remember correctly he's both of ours " Ethan said as i smirked

" Yet I still have full custody " Emily said as Ethan raised his brows

" Alright, I'll talk to Cassie tomorrow at school and let her know she can't babysit Jake anymore for awhile...." Ethan said as Emily sighed

" Whatever " Emily said as we left the house

my babysitter's a vampire Where stories live. Discover now