part 6

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Ethan's pov

In the morning my alarm went off for school so i got up and checked my messages and got dressed as i walked downstairs benny was waiting for me so i grabbed my bookbag and we left the house as we walked to school and walked into the school building jake and his friend walked over to us

" Hey " jake said as i smiled at him and seen sarah by her locker

" Oh hey " i said as i kept staring at sarah

" Can i talk to you about something? " Jake asked me as i walked away

" I'll see you later " i said as i walked over to sarah and she smiled at me

Jake's pov

I watched as ethan walked over to sarah and i felt bummed out he ignored me for a girl, i furrowed my brows as i smelled something and matt gave me a confused look

" What? " Matt said as i started walking towards the nurses office as their was a line of students waiting to get blood drawn

" Jake " matt said as i looked at him

" Huh? " I said as my eyes were yellow and matt got confused

" Why are your eyes yellow? " Matt asked me as i ran to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror

My eyes glitched from yellow to brown as my reflection got wonky so i walked home and matt followed me as we walked inside my house and walked upstairs and walked into my bedroom as we sat on my bed

" Dude, what the fuck is going on? " Matt asked me

" I dont know " i said

" Are you on drugs? " Matt asked me

" No " i said as my mom walked into my room

" Hey, dinners ready " emily said as we walked downstairs and walked into the kitchen and sat at the table

" So do you think that you have powers? " Matt asked me as i shrugged my shoulders

" I dont know " i said as matt started eating

I got up and put my dish in the sink as me and matt walked outside and seen ethan and benny talking so we walked over to them and smiled

" Hey, whats up " i said as ethan smiled at me

" Hey, what are you guys doing out so late? " Ethan asked us

" Taking a walk " i said as matt smiled

" Jake, i have to go home " matt said as he walked away

Matt's pov

I walked home and walked into my house as i walked upstairs and sat on my bed as i grabbed my laptop and started researching supernatural powers as i smiled and grabbed a pen and paper as i fell asleep

In the morning i got up and got dressed for school and grabbed my papers and walked downstairs as I grabbed my backpack and left my house and walked to school as i walked into the building i walked over to my locker and opened it as i put my backpack in my locker and closed my locker and walked to my first period and seen jake talking to some girls so i walked over to him and grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side as he gave me a confused look

" What the hell? " Jake said as i showed him the papers

" I did some research on your powers and i learned that your a vampire " i said as jake scoffed at me

" Just because my eyes turn yellow and i can smell blood doesn't mean im a vampire " jake said as i sighed

" Have you ever been bitten by a vampire? " I asked jake

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