part 14

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Jake's pov

Early in the morning I woke up and got dressed for school and walked downstairs to see my mom and grandmother talking, I grabbed my bookbag and before I walked out the door my mother stopped me

" Jake " Emily said as I rolled my eyes and looked at her

" What? " I said

" Make sure your home on time alright " Emily said as I sighed and left the house

As I started walking to school Matt ran over to me and took out his vape pen and started smoking it

" Where's yours? " Matt asked me

" My parents found out I was vaping and threw mine away, plus they grounded me for a month " I said as Matt shook his head

" I'll get you another one " Matt said as I sighed

" Whatever " I said as we walked inside the school building

As we walked inside school some of my friends from different classes walked over to me

" Hey I'm charlie and this is my friend Jordan, we're Mr. G's class " charlie said as I smiled at them while putting my stuff in my locker

" Yeah, I guys are always late to his class " I said as they smiled

" Yeah, we hangout with Markus and Austin a lot " charlie said as I looked at them

" Why? " I said as I shut my locker

" Because their cool...sometimes... anyways we wanted to know if you wanted to hangout with us sometime? " Charlie asked me as I sighed

" Sure, when? " I said as they smiled

" After school my house " charlie said as I nodded

" Okay " I said as Matt gave me a look

" Wait aren't you supposed to be grounded? " Matt asked me

" Yeah " I said as charlie and Jordan sighed

" Oh well if your grounded we can hangout another time " charlie said as I sighed

" Thanks for that " I said as Matt shrugged his shoulders

" For what, your grounded " Matt said

" I thought you were cool " I said as Matt scoffed

" I am cool " Matt said as I walked away from him and walked to class

During class Mr. Hedlum gave us permission slips for a school field trip for theater, after handing us our permission slips we started practicing our dance routine for the school's talent show then we headed to and Ashley and Crystal grabbed our lunches and walked over to our seats as Matt walked over to us and sat down

" Hey Matt " jo said as she twirled her hair at Matt who smirked at her but his attention got caught on Cassie who walked by and Jo got jealous

" Excuse you, I'm right here " Jo said annoyed as Matt gave her a look

" Y-yeah I know " Matt said as I lightly shook my head

" Here " Jo said as she grabbed Matt's phone and put her number in it and smiled

" Why'd you give me your number? " Matt asked Jo

" So you can call me sometime, your so silly " Jo said as she got up and walked away

" Dude, get over Cassie..." I said as Matt gave me a look

" What? " Matt said

" I said get over Cassie " I said a little bit louder as Matt got up and got in my face and I got up and everyone looked at us

" Say it again but this time say it to my face " Matt said as my parents and their friends watched us and started getting up

" I said get over your little puppy crush on my babysitter! " I said out loud as my face got bright red from shouting at Matt

I felt humiliated admitting Cassie was my babysitter and that I was exactly like my dad having a babysitter in high school was humiliating, I heard other students whispering he has a babysitter and then the whole cafeteria started laughing so I left the cafeteria and Matt followed me

" Jake, Jake, Jake slow down! " Matt said as I stopped running and looked at Matt

" What? Bro you just made me humiliate myself in front of the entire school " I said as I had tears building up in my eyes but instead of anger I felt a craving for blood

" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... you've just been acting like a jerk since you've been friends with Jesse " Matt said as my fangs started showing and I heard Matt's heart beat faster

" You didn't mean to what.... get me grounded and fake being my friend so you could get closer to Cassie " I said as I got closer to Matt and my dad and his friends stopped and watched us

" Dude, I was friends with you before Cassie even showed up! What are you talking about? " Matt shouted as some students came out of the cafeteria and saw Matt and me arguing and took out their cellphones and started recording

" I'm talking about the fact your faking your friendship with me so you can hang with Cassie and she's a sophomore " I said as Matt shoved me and I nearly fell on the floor so Ethan took his bookbag off and started walking over to us

" Oh really " I said as I shoved Matt back and he got mad and made a fist and threw a punch at me but I dodged it and got closer to him

" Guys knock it off " my dad said as he pulled us apart

" I never wanna talk to you again " I said as Matt scoffed and took out his cellphone

" Whatever " Matt said as he deleted my phone number and walked away

After school I sat alone in my room and looked through old pictures of me and Matt hanging out, Cassie knocked on my door and I scoffed when I looked at her

" What do you want? " I said as she sighed

" As much as you probably don't wanna see me right now....I'm still your babysitter " Cassie said as she sat next to me so I sat up and looked at her

" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to humiliate you " I said as Cassie smiled

" It's okay, you didn't humiliate guys are my friends " Cassie said as I scoffed

" It's crazy, your a sophomore hanging out with freshman " I said as Cassie snickered

" I'm friends with your dad " Cassie said

" I'm glad I met I wanted to ask you something " I said as Cassie nodded

" Okay " Cassie said

" Theirs this school field trip coming up and it involves theater " I said as Cassie furrowed her brows

" Okay " Cassie said

" And I wanted to know if you'll go with me " I asked her and she smiled

" Yeah, sure " Cassie said as she got up and left my room

Three weeks later me and my class went on our field trip to the theater in town, we sat in our seats and watched the play for a few hours and then we got up and left as my teacher took us to the gift shop, me and Cassie saw some cute hats and glasses and we tried them on

" Look " I said as I had on a cute hat and glasses and Cassie put on a sweet hat and a cute pair of glasses and we took a picture together

" That's such a cute necklace " Cassie said as we looked at a necklace that was a duck

" Here " I said as I grabbed the necklace and bought it for her

" Aw thank you " Cassie said as we paid for our stuff and left the gift shop and headed home

At night I laid in my bed since I didn't have my phone, tv or ps...I started thinking about my friends and how much I missed hanging out with my best friend Matt....then i started thinking about cassie and how she spends more time with me than my actual mom then I fell asleep

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