part 16

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Jake's pov

After I got over being sick during the weekend i got up and got dressed for school and walked downstairs as Emily walked over to me

" Hey, how are you feeling? " Emily asked me as I was blushing and checking myself out in our living room mirror

" I'm feeling great " I said as I fixed my hair and Emily furrowed her brows

" Why are you fixing your hair? " Emily asked me as I looked at her

" Because I don't want it to be messy when I go to school " I said as she got closer to me and sniffed my shirt

" Are you wearing cologne? " Emily asked me as I scoffed

" Can you please stop " I said as I left the house and it was snowing

As I walked into whitechapel high school I walked over to my locker and put my bag into my locker and then closed it as I walked to class and me and my friends started talking as i seen cassie walked over to her locker and i got instant butterflies in my stomach, during class their was a school announcement from principal hicks about school tryouts for the winter talent show coming up, me and my friends walked to the theater and we signed up as I went to walk away and I bumped into Cassie on purpose

" Oh shit, I'm sorry..." I said as Cassie smiled at me

" It's okay, so are you feeling better? " Cassie asked me

" Yeah, thanks for the medicine.. it was a rough weekend but I'm doing alot better because of you..." I said as Cassie nodded

" Your welcome, listen unfortunately your parents don't want me babysitting you anymore so I'll be seeing a lot less of you now " Cassie said as I got confused and grabbed her arm

" Wait what, why? " I said as she looked at me

" I don't know, plus I'm not ready to talk about it...I have to go to class later " Cassie said as she slowly walked away

After school I walked into my house and sat in the living room watching TV as their was a knock at the door so I got up and answered the door to see matt

" What are you doing here? " I asked Matt as he walked inside

" Look....I know we're not supposed to be talking to each other but I miss hanging out with you " Matt said as I sighed

" Same, but after what happened with your friends I just don't feel like I can trust you again " I said as Matt nodded

" So this is really it huh? We're really not friends anymore? " Matt asked me

" I'm sorry " I said as me and Matt did a friendly hug that got a little awkward so we awkwardly pulled away

" The hell was that? " Matt asked me

" I don't know, I'm never doing that again " I said as Matt agreed and left the house

Late at night while I was watching TV in the living room my mom turned it off on me and made me go to bed

In the morning during school we all walked to the theater for the talent show that we signed up for, me and Charlie and Jordan and Oliver walked into the theater with my parents and their friends and we sat in our seats as principal hicks let other students do their talents one by one...after an hour of listening to other students my parents started talking

" You know one more hour of watching miserable talents and I'm out " Benny said as charlie snickered

" Ethan " Emily said as Jesse and his friends walked into the theater and walked on stage

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