part 3

19 1 1

Ethan's pov

At home me and benny were watching a movie when their was a knock at my door so i got up and opened the door and my friend dustin walked into the house as i smiled

" What are you doing? " Dustin asked me

" We're watching a movie " i said as dustin walked into the living room

" Do you guys wanna come see the school talent show? " Dustin asked me

" Sure " benny said as we got up and walked outside and walked to the school

We walked inside the building and walked into the auditorium and sat in the seats as principal hicks walked onto the stage and grabbed the mic

" Today we have a few students from woodrow middle school who's talents are dancing and singing " principal hicks said as he walked off the stage and the boy that i bumped into today walked on stage with his friends as i looked at benny

" Do you want to go to the diner after the talent show? " I asked benny as the boys started singing and dancing

" Yeah " benny said

After the talent show me and benny walked to the diner and walked inside and sat in a booth as dustin and rory walked over to us and sat down

We ordered our food and the boys from the talent show walked into the diner and sat at a table as i looked at them

" Go talk to him " benny said as i gave him a confused look

I got up and walked over to the boy and his friends and they looked at me as the boy smiled

" Hey " the boy said

" Hey " i said

" Who's this? " The other boy said

" Im ethan " i said

" Im jake " the boy said

" I saw your guys talent show performance " i said as jake smiled

" Really? " Jake said

" Yeah, i wanted to know if you could show me some dance moves " i said as jake sighed

" Here's my number " jake said as he put his number into my phone

" Cool " i said as i walked away

Jake's pov

After i gave ethan my number he walked away and i looked at my friend Matt who gave me a look

" What? " I said

" How is your mom and dad gonna feel when they find out your hanging out with high schoolers " matt asked me

"My mom is always working and i dont know my dad " i said as matt was confused

" What happened to him? " Matt asked me

" He left my mom when she got pregnant with me " i said bummed out

" Have you tried asking your mom about him? " Matt asked me

" No " i said as we got up and started walking to my house

We walked inside my house and my mom was in the kitchen making dinner and we sat at the table as we ate our food and i looked at my mom as i stopped eating

" Mom, i wanted to talk to you " i said as my mom stopped eating

" About what? " My mom asked me

" About my dad " i said as my sister looked at me

" What about him? " My mom asked me

" I wanted to know more about my father " i said as my sister stopped eating and got up and walked away

" What is her problem? " I said

" Nothing, go to your room " my mom said as i got up and walked upstairs and sat on my bed

" Are you okay? " Matt asked me

" Yeah " i said as i layed on my bed

" Why don't you try getting a dna test done " matt said as i sat up

" I dont know " i said

" I gotta go " matt said as he left my house and i layed in my bed and started thinking so i got up and sat at my desk and turned on my laptop as i went through all my old pictures but i didnt find any pictures of my father so i furrowed my brows and turned off my laptop and layed in my bed

Ethan's pov

At home i was playing video games with benny and rory and i grabbed my phone and texted jake and benny looked at me

" Dude, what are you doing? " Benny said

" Nothing " i said as i smiled

" Do you guys wanna go play laser tag? " Rory asked us

" Sure " i said as i texted jake and we walked downstairs and left the house as we walked to a building and grabbed some vests and grabbed laser guns and jake and his friends walked over to us

" Hey " jake said as i smiled

" Hey " i said as me and jake high fived and he grabbed a vest and laser gun and we started playing laser tag as jake bumped into his friend and his eyes turned white as he gasped and his vision went back to normal as he got confused

" Are you okay? " I asked jake

" Yeah " jake said as we looked at each other and we took our vests off and left the building as i walked home

Jake's pov

I walked home and walked inside as my sister crossed her arms and looked at me as i gave her a confused look

" What? " I said

" Where were you? " Emily asked me

" I was hanging out with my friends " i said

" What friends? " Emily asked me

" Oh my god your not mom " i said annoyed as i walked upstairs

" What friends? " Emily asked me as i turned to her

" Matt, ethan, benny and rory " i said annoyed as i walked upstairs and walked into my room and layed in my bed as i fell asleep

Jake is played by greyson chance

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