part 11

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Jake's pov

In the morning me and Matt were in my room playing video games when Cassie knocked on the door and walked into my room

" Hey guys, wanna go get some breakfast? " Cassie asked us as we looked at her

" Sure " we said as we got up and we walked downstairs and my mom looked at us

" Where are you guys going? " My mom said

" Oh I'm taking them to the diner in town " Cassie said as Emily nodded

After we left the house we walked downtown and walked into the diner as a waitress walked us to our table and we sat in a booth, after we ordered our food we started talking

" Cute bracelet " Cassie said as she played with the bracelet on Matt's wrist

" Uh thanks I guess " Matt said as I smiled

" Yeah, a few girls at school like Matt " I said as Matt rolled his eyes

" Really? " Cassie said

" Yeah, but their not my type.. their to...I don't know...they flirt with every guy they talk to and she's really annoying and she gossips to much " Matt said as Cassie smiled

" Well that's how girls are..." Cassie said as the waitress brought our food to the table and we started eating

" Have you ever had a boyfriend before? " Matt asked Cassie and she smiled

" Actually, yes I have...his name is Austin and he's in the same grade as me " Cassie said as Matt got bummed out

" Oh, how long have you two been together? " Matt asked her as I rolled my eyes

" About several months " Cassie said

" You should bring him over so we can play video games with him " I said as Matt side eyed me

" Cool, I'll text him " Cassie said as she took out her phone and texted her boyfriend and smiled

" He'll be over after breakfast " Cassie said as Matt was giving me a look and I smiled

After we ate and paid the check we left the diner and walked back to our house as we walked inside and sat on the couch matt turned on the game as their was a knock at the door so I got up and walked over to it and let Cassie's boyfriend in and Matt immediately got jealous

" Dude, be nice " I said as Matt rolled his eyes

" Hey babe, this is Jake and his friend Matt " Cassie said as Austin held his hand out for us to shake

I shook Austin's hand but Matt ignored him and Cassie got confused

" Um okay, well get settled in and I'll get some snacks " Cassie said as Austin sat down next to us

" So nights of ninjitsu huh? " Austin said as me and Matt looked at him

" Yeah, Cassie pretty much bought us half of the games we're playing " I said as Matt rolled his eyes

" That's sweet, she's a really sweet girl...did you know she helped a charity out once " Austin said as I furrowed my brows

Cassie came back and place snack bowls in front of us on the table as we played video games, my parents walked into the house and met Austin Cassie's boyfriend and Matt was completely bummed out so he got up and left so I sighed and got up and walked outside to see matt sitting on the porch so I sat down next to him

" Dude, are you okay? " I asked him as he sighed and shook his head

" No I'm not okay " Matt said

" What's wrong? " I asked him

" I can't tell you because all you do is complain about it " Matt said as I furrowed my brows

" Complain about what? " I asked him

" Cass " Matt said as I raised my brows

" Oh " I said

" Dude, we're freshman and she's like a sophomore it'll never happen " I said as Matt rolled his eyes

" Yeah, I know..." Matt said as got up and left my house

In the morning I got up and got dressed for school and headed out the door as I supersped to school and walked into the building and walked over to my locker as Matt walked over to me smiling

" Hey bro, what class are you going to? " Matt asked me

" Um science first period " I said as I put my stuff in my locker

" Well we're ditching first period " Matt said as I gave him a confused look

" Why? " I said

" Because some friends wanna hangout at the diner " Matt said as I shrugged my shoulders and we walked out of the school building and headed to the diner

As we walked into the diner me and Matt walked over to a group of kids our age sitting at a booth, their names were Maddy, Austin, Markus and Olivia

" Hey guys, I brought my friend Jake " Matt said as he sat in the booth next to Maddy and I scooted next to Olivia

" What's up, I'm Austin and this is Maddy, Markus and Olivia " Austin said as I felt nervous

" Hi " I said as Matt smiled

" Your really cute " Maddy said as I awkwardly smiled

" Thanks " I said

" So did you guys order already? " Matt asked the group

" Yeah, actually we did " Austin said as a waitress came over to us and placed our food on the table as we started eating

" So how did you guys become friends in the first place? " Austin asked me

" Oh well we met in eighth grade and we hung out at my house for my birthday and we've been friends ever since then " I said as Markus smiled

" Really, who's that chick that you won't stop talking about? " Markus asked Matt

" Oh Cassie " Matt said as they started laughing

" Ah Cassie, she's like a sophomore babysitting " Austin said as I gave Matt a look

" Don't you have like a crush on her or something? " Maddy said

" Yeah " Matt said as we finished eating and we walked outside and as I was looking around they started taking out vape pens and started smoking them and my smile sank to a frown as Matt took out his wallet and gave Austin a $20 dollar bill

Austin took the $20 and put it in his pocket and gave Matt a vape pen as Matt started smoking and my eyes widened as matt looked at me

" What? " Matt asked me

" What are you doing? " I asked Matt

" Smoking " Matt said

" Yeah, I know that but how long have you been doing it? " I asked Matt who rolled his eyes along with his other friends

" Dude, it's just a try it " Matt said as he handed me his vape pen

" I don't know " I said kinda nervous and hesitant

" Dude, I thought you said he was cool " Austin asked Matt

" He is cool...right? " Matt asked me as I looked at them and Matt as I grabbed the vape pen and Matt showed me how to inhale and exhale

I inhaled some smoke and exhaled and my friends cheered me on as I started coughing

" Matt, do me a favor and don't tell my dad about this " I said as Matt agreed and I continued vaping with Matt and his friends

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