part 12

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Emily's pov

Early in the morning I got up and got dressed and made Jake breakfast as he walked down the stairs and into the kitchen dressed for school

" Hey, grandmom got a phone call from the school yesterday" I said as Jake sat at the table and started eating his breakfast

" Okay " Jake said

" They said you never showed up...where were you? " I asked him as he looked at me

" Oh um me and Matt were helping his mother clean out her garage and she told Matt she would write us a note for school " Jake said as I nodded

" I don't care, you know the rules school is important..." I said as Jake rolled his eyes and his phone vibrated so he smiled and started texting one of his friends as I shook my head and grabbed the dishes and washed them as we headed to school

I walked over to Ethan and Benny as they both looked at me

" Hey, what's wrong? " Ethan asked me as I sighed

" My mom got a phone from our school yesterday saying Jake never showed up " I said as Benny smiled

" What? Where was he? " Ethan asked me

" Well I actually asked him that and he said that him and Matt were helping his mother clean out her garage and that she would write them a note for school " i said as Benny smirked

" Okay, so they were helping Matt's mother " Benny said

" Matthew's house doesn't have a garage I've been their " I said as Benny started snickering so Ethan lightly hit his shoulder

" Stop, I'll talk to him " Ethan said as we all walked to class

After class the bell rang and we walked to the cafeteria and grabbed our lunches and sat down as I seen Jake sitting with a new group of friends including Matt as they were laughing and talking

Jake's pov

After lunch me and my friends left the cafeteria and started walking through the hallways as I walked over to my locker and grabbed my wallet and handed Austin a $20 dollar bill that he took and handed me a vape pen that I put in my bookbag, I shut my locker and he walked away

Me and Matt left school as I took out my vape pen and started smoking with Matt while walking to my dad's house, after I reached my dad's house me and Matt put our vape pens away and walked inside my father's house as we set our book bags on the floor and sat on the couch as we started watching a movie

After awhile my dad and his friends started talking in the kitchen and we walked over to them

" Oh by the way I've been wanting to ask you where were you yesterday? " Ethan asked me as I gave him a confused look

" What? " I said

" Your mother said that she got a phone call from our school saying you never showed up...where were you?? " Ethan said as I sighed

" Oh, um me and Matt were at his mom's house helping her clean out her garage " I said as Ethan sighed

" Um okay, but Jake..don't ever ditch school again " Ethan said as I nodded and walked away as me and matt left my dad's house

Jake's pov

Me and Matt walked over to my grandmother's house and walked inside as we walked upstairs and walked into my bedroom and shut my door and sat on my bed playing video games while smoking our vapes

" Here " Matt said as he took out his phone and we recorded ourselves vaping and he posted it to his Instagram as I smiled

I heard a knock on my door so me and Matt put our vapes away and my mom walked in and looked at me

" Cassie is here " Emily said as I nodded and she left my room

Me and Matt continued playing video games as Cassie invited us to go to the mall, as we walked downstairs my mom looked at us

" Jake, did you clean your room? " Emily asked me as I nodded

" Yeah " I said as me and Matt left the house with Cassie

Emily's pov

After Jake and Matt left with Cassie I sighed and grabbed a laundry basket and walked upstairs to his bedroom but when I opened his door his room was a hot mess, I started picking up his clothes and putting them in the basket then I grabbed his bookbag and went through it to make sure that he didn't have any missing assignments but instead I found a vape pen

" What the fuck? " I said as I held the vape pen in my hand

The pen looked like a mini box but it was blue and it smelled like kiwis, I sighed as I left the room and walked downstairs and grabbed my phone and called Ethan and told him that he needed to come over then I hung up and he walked over with his friends

" Hey, what's up? " Ethan asked me as him and his friends walked into the house

" We have a situation " I said as I placed the vape on the kitchen table and Ethan got confused

" Where'd you get this from? " Ethan asked me as he looked at it

" Jake's bedroom " I said as Ethan furrowed his brows as he looked at me

" Okay " Ethan said as he was about to walk upstairs but I stopped him

" He's not home right now " I said as Ethan walked back over to me

" Where is he? " Ethan asked me

" Cassie took Jake and Matt to the mall " I said as Benny rolled his eyes

" Um okay, so do you know how long he's been doing it? " Ethan asked me

" I don't know, I just found it in his bookbag " I said as Ethan sighed as the door opened and Jake walked in with a new basketball

Jake tried to walk upstairs but we stopped him and asked him to come to the kitchen so he walked over and we showed him the vape as he looked at us

" Jake, Where'd you get this? " I asked him

" That's not mine, it's my friends " Jake said as Ethan raised his eyebrows at Jake's lying

" What friend? " Ethan asked Jake

" Markus " Jake said as I threw the vape in the trash and Jake walked away

" This is a new problem " Ethan said as I nodded

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