part 5

16 1 1

Jake's pov

In the morning i got up and got dressed and walked downstairs as my mom made breakfast so i sat at the table and ate and got up and put my dish in the sink as i walked outside and got the mail and my test results came in so i texted my friends and i walked to the diner as i sat in a booth and they walked over to me with sarah and sat down

" What happened? " Sarah asked me

" I went to the doctors and got a dna test done to find out who my dad is " i said as ethan and benny smiled at me

" What? " Sarah said as her smile sank to a frown

" Okay " i said as i nervously opened up the envelope and a waitress walked by our table and accidentally tripped over Sarah's foot making her drop food and drinks all over us as the envelope got wet

" Seriously " benny said as the waitress cleaned our table and I grabbed the envelope

" Fuck " i said as the envelope was wet and soggy

" Sorry buddy " ethan said as i sighed

" Its okay " i said as i got up and left the diner

Ethan's pov

I watched as jake got up and left the diner upset because his test results got ruined so i looked at benny

" Do you wanna have a party? " I asked benny

" Yeah " benny said as we got up and left the diner and walked home as i texted my friends and made some snacks and my friends came over with jake

" Hey " i said as benny put on some music

" Hey " jake said

" Look i know your upset your test results got ruined but i wanted to cheer you up and have a party " i said as jake smiled

" Thanks " jake said as he walked into the kitchen

" Your welcome " i said as i walked into the living room not knowing the party would get out of control

Jake's pov

After awhile of me and matt drinking soda a bunch of girls started dancing with us as i got on top of the table and started dancing and benny and ethan walked over to me

" Jake, get off the table! " Ethan shouted but i kept dancing

" Matt, get down! " Ethan shouted as matt kept dancing on the counter as sarah walked into the kitchen

" What's going on? " Sarah asked ethan

" I wanted to cheer jake up by throwing him a party but it got out of control " ethan said as sarah smiled and supersped away and brought back my mom as i kept dancing on the table

" Jake Hathaway! " My mom said as she turned off the music and i stopped dancing

" Mom " i said awkwardly

" Get your ass off the table now! " My mother shouted as i got embarrassed as everyone started laughing so i got off the table

" This party is over and when we get home you are grounded for a month! " My mom shouted as mrs. Morgan walked in and benny and rory and ethan got embarrassed as she started lecturing ethan

I walked outside and my mom walked me home as we walked inside the house and she looked at me as i gave her my phone and she walked away so i walked upstairs and walked into my room as i started thinking and i walked over to my sister's room and looked through her dresser as i found a box and i walked into my room and sat on my bed as i opened the box and got confused as i found an old pregnancy test and a picture of emily holding a baby and a picture of me, i put the picture of me and the test back and hid the picture of emily holding the baby under my pillow as i walked back to her room and put the box back in her dresser and walked to my room as i layed in my bed and looked at the picture of emily holding the baby and looked at the date as i furrowed my brows and sighed and fell asleep

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