12.) SEOUL!

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Joshua woke up from his sleep, as he faintly heard the announcement of the plane about to reach land.

He looked to his left and saw his boyfriend in a peaceful slumber, while leaning his head on Joshua's shoulder as they hold hands.

The older admired the younger in awe, smiling as if he wasn't just mad at him the day before.

A few minutes later, the plane had landed. Joshua waited for the crowd to slowly leave before lifting his right hand to gently stroke Seokmin's hair backwards.

"Sunshine, it's time to shine. We've landed" Seokmin slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times before nodding. The younger got his hand-carry baggage and waited for Joshua to walk through the aisle and followed, waddling.

Joshua noticed, a smile appeared on his face finding the younger adorable.

He took the younger's bag and carried it for him so that Seokmin wouldn't struggle dragging the trolley, half asleep.

Joshua offered his hand to Seokmin as the other took it and intertwined them together still exhausted from the flight. The older led Seokmin to the baggage claim whilst holding his hand and carrying the Seokmin's hand-carry on the other.

After the long trip, they're finally back in South Korea. Seokmin was now fully awake and hyper as he instantly tackled Jihoon and Soonyoung the moment he saw the couple at the waiting area.

Joshua giggled seeing this and asked help from Soonyoung with the bags.  Soonyoung did what he was asked to do and carried Seokmin's luggage from Joshua's hands as they head to his car.

They struggled on the way to Seokmin's parents' house since it was traffic and raining heavily. Seokmin couldn't wait to finally see his parents again despite the unpleasant weather.

Seokmin and Joshua were flustered to see Jihoon acting clingy towards Soonyoung as the older drives the car.

The couple couldn't bring the topic up since they knew Jihoon would stop being cutesy towards his boyfriend the whole trip.

Soonyoung timely broke the silence, "Hyung, I heard you're attending a uni in Los Angeles. How does is learning another language going so far?"

"Surprisingly, it was fun. I enjoyed it so much that the fact I get to learn so many things is so fun but it could also really exhausting at times" Soonyoung nods hearing this and hums in response.

"Why? Are you planning to learn another language?" Joshua asks as Soonyoung hums in respond.

"Mhm. It would give me more opportunities in communicating overseas!" Jihoon was smiling upon hearing this as they finally arrived in front of their destination.

The car came to a full stop. Seokmin bolted out the car as Joshua rushed to hold an umbrella out for his boyfriend as they hurriedly walk towards the front door.

The moment he arrived in the shade, Joshua went back to his friends to help them with the luggage as Seokmin rang the doorbell.

After a few rings the door finally opened. Seokmin was greeted by his parents, "Min! Welcome home, honey." Mrs. Lee pulls him to a hug as Mr. Lee flicks his finger on their son's forehead.

Seokmin winces in pain as Mrs. Lee pulls away from the hug, "What are you doing here? Why aren't you helping Shua?" His dad gently asked while Seokmin lifts his hands to cover his head from the rain and goes back to help with the luggage.

"I swear... our child is too dependent" Mr. Lee shook his head as Mrs. Lee laughs. "You're acting as if you don't do that too" She teases him as Mr. Lee jokingly rolled his eyes while Mrs. Lee lightly hit him on the arm.

After the luggages were inside the house, the couple invited Soonyoung and Jihoon for lunch. They couldn't deny the offer and agreed since they came from a long trip.

They all sat down by the dinner table and started eating. Jihoon shyly got some food while Soonyoung comfortably ate the food as if he was eating at their house.

Jihoon's eyes widened the moment he tasted the food Mrs. Lee made. He hums in delight, grabbed a piece of the food and placed it on Soonyoung's plate for his boyfriend to try.

The married couple smiled seeing the couple in good spirits as Seokmin gave more food on Joshua's plate causing his parents to tease their son.

As time passed by, rain stopped pouring making it the beginning of Seokmin's trip. He got his shoulder bag filled with his necessities and hat.

Before he left for his venture, he bid fair well to his boyfriend and his parents. "I'll be back! I promise" Seokmin then pecks Joshua's lips as the older smiles at him and nods.

"Thank you for the meal, Aunt Lee, Uncle Lee! I'm looking forward to our next meeting. I'm sorry if it was sudden for us to crash by." Soonyoung energetically mentions as the married couple disagreed with the statement.

"Don't worry, dear. The more, the merrier. If you want to have homemade meals don't hesitate to tell me" Mrs. Lee smiles at them.

"Don't do it daily though" Mr. Lee leans closer to Soonyoung's ear to whisper something "She gets impatient waiting for the food to cook so she orders takeout"  Mr. Lee giggles as Mrs. Lee hit him on his back.

"What ridiculous things are you saying to the kids again?" Everyone smiled seeing the couple bicker but it didn't last long since they had to go. Joshua waved goodbye as the car drives away.

He returned inside the house as Mr. Lee asks him, "Son, why didn't you go with them?" Joshua smiles hearing the concern from his boyfriend's parents.

"I had different plans when coming back to South Korea" He simply answers, "Is that so?" Joshua nods. "Alright, if you need any help. We're just around the house, ok?" Mrs. Lee advices as Joshua smilingly nods.

Joshua heads upstairs with half of the luggage and carries towards Seokmin's room.  He opened the door and left it there.

He laid on the bed, exhausted. He turned the air conditioner on and looked at the ceiling.

"This is gonna be a long week"


Author's note:
Good day, everyone! Wow it has been long. I apologize for the long wait. I had a hard time processing and creating words to describe this chapter's and next chapter's idea.

Although it might take some time. I appreciate your patience and understanding. I hope you're feeling well today, if not then I hope you feel better 🫶🫶.

I'm trying to create these parts from my phone so I don't have to whip out my laptop every time I wanna write a chapter so I hope you can bear with the changes in the layout if there is any. That is all. BYEE!!! MWAH

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