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A man with a black suit entered inside the office building and everyone start bowing at him, he ignore everyone and straight enter inside his cabin and start checking some files

“this idiot never do anything properly" saying that he call his secretary “come inside my office right now"

On the other hand the poor man become scared knowing that today his boss gonna kill him “o-ok boss"

He heard a knock on the door knowing that it's his secretary “come in"

The poor man walk inside “g-good morning boss"

“Good morning my ass!" He shouted and throw the file on his secretary “this is what you have done there are so many mistakes in this file!"

His secretary flinched a little “s-sorry sir I'll correct all the mistakes today"

“better now go"

The secretary bowed at him and leave and then his mobile start ringing

“fuck who is calling" saying that he pick up the phone without noticing the caller id “what's the problem"

“you kim fucking taehyung! is this how you talk with your mother!!" his mother shouted from the other side

“m-mom sorry I didn't check the caller id"

“that doesn't matter whether it's me or anyone else how many times I told you to talk politely with others"

“whatever mom now tell me why you call me"

“I want you to come home early today"

“but why"

“no buts just do what I said"

“mo-" before taehyung complete his sentence jin cut the call

“now what mom is planning" he start thinking but his thoughts got cut by another call and this he check the caller id before picking up

“hello jimin"

“hello tae, are you free tonight"

“no mom told me to come early at home so I think mom is up to something"

“ohh is that so but today we decided to go club for a party"

“you guys go I'll join next time"

“ok bye"


After talking with jimin he start doing his work

On other hand a beautiful boy was sleeping peacefully but someone come to disturb his sleep

“kook baby wake up"


“baby wake up it's already 11:00am"

“mama let me sleep"

“but baby it's already late now wake up"

“okie" he opened his eyes and start rubbing them with his hands

“now go and take a shower"

“ok mama" saying that he went inside washroom to do his morning routine

After talking shower jungkook went downstairs

“mama where's my breakfast"

“sit there baby I'm coming"

After few minutes mrs jeon come with a pancakes and banana milkshake “here's your breakfast kook"

Jungkook smile and kiss his mother's cheek “thank you mama"

Jungkook starts eating like a baby and after eating he again went to his room and start doing preparation for exams

“only one month and after that I'm free"

Taehyung come home early as jin told him

“mom please tell me what you are planning"

Jin glare at him “I told you to wait"

“ok" taehyung said with a pout

Namjoon enters inside the room “why my son is pouting"

“dad look at mom he's not telling me that what he's planning"

“jinie tell him"

Jin glare at namjoon and he gulped “bub I think you should wait"

“dad~" taehyung whined

“your mom is scary I can't do anything" namjoon whisper in taehyung's ear and taehyung laugh

Jin glared at them “what you two are talking about"

“n-nothing jinie"

Now taehyung is sitting in the living room waiting for jin to tell him and then they heard a door bell ring, jin went and open the door and here comes a man and woman with a girl

“sit there mr and mrs park" jin told them to sit

“hi mr park how are you" namjoon asked from the man

“fine mr kim" he said giving namjoon a big smile

Taehyung was confused why they are here but his all confusions were gone after hearing jin

“tae bub go and sit with yeri" jin said pointed towards the girl

Taehyung look at jin with a irritated face and stand up “mom I won't sit with her"

“taehyung" jin glared at his son

Taehyung without saying anything left from there

Jin look toward mr and mrs park “sorry actually he's like this"

“it's ok mrs kim" mrs park said with a smile

“taehyung what was that behavior!!" Jin yelled at his son

“mom I told you that I don't want to marry anyone then why are you doing this"

“bcz I want to see my only son's wedding before death"

“jinie don't say that" namjoon said holding jin's hand “don't pressure him jinie it's his life let him decide"

Jin nodded and left from there


“dad please don't start now" taehyung said and went inside his room

Namjoon shook his said and also went behind jin

“I don't like to fight with mom but he always do things which irritates me" taehyung said hitting the wall

“kook baby go I'll do this"

“no mama let me help you" saying that jungkook start cutting vegetables

Mrs Jeon chuckled at his son “I got the best son in this world"

Jungkook smile and showed his bunny teeth to his mother “and you're the best mama in this world"

Both mother and son were talking but they got cut by mr jeon

“what you guys are talking about"

“we won't tell you" mrs jeon said teasing his husband

Mr Jeon start pouting and jungkook said “papa don't pout you're not cute"

“you guys don't love me" mr jeon whined

Jungkook laugh at his father and hug him “we love you soooooo much"

Mr Jeon chuckled at his son “I also love you guys so much"

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