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It was already midnight and the whole room was filled with the sound of skin slapping, jungkook's moans and the smell of sex

“ahh h-hubby sl ahh slow d-down"

But instead of slowing down taehyung increased his speed and cummed deep inside jungkook. He laid beside jungkook and kissed his forehead

“h-hubby I wanna sleep"

Taehyung pecked jungkook's lips “sleep my love"

Jungkook was the first one who woke up and a scream left from his mouth when he tried to get up

Taehyung quickly woke up and looked at jungkook who's eyes were filled with tears. He hugged jungkook and rubbed his back “what happen bun, why are you crying"

Jungkook glared at taehyung and pushed him away “after doing everything you're asking me what happen"

Taehyung looked down and said in a low voice “sorry baby"

Jungkook felt bad to be rude with his husband so he hugged taehyung “sorry hubby"

Taehyung looked at jungkook with confusion “why you're saying sorry bun"

“I talk rudely with you"

Taehyung chuckled at jungkook and made him sit on his lap “I love you baby"

“I love you too hubby"

Taehyung kissed jungkook's forehead and carried him in bridal style “let's clean my baby"

A month has passed and now taehyung start going office and sometimes jungkook also went with him

Taehyung was getting ready for his office while jungkook was preparing breakfast. After getting ready taehyung went downstairs and back hugged jungkook, jungkook turned around and gave taehyung his bunny smile “go and sit, I'm coming with breakfast"

Taehyung nodded his head and went to sit on dinning table where namjoon was already sitting

“good morning dad"

“good morning son"

After sometime jungkook and jin came and serve them breakfast, jungkook was about to sit but taehyung pulled him on his lap

“hubby what are you doing" jungkook shyly said while playing with taehyung's shirt button

Taehyung smiled at jungkook and kissed his cheek

“hubby feed me"

And who is Taehyung to say no to his bunny so he start feeding jungkook

“hubby who made this it's not tasty" jungkook said with a pout

Jin looked at jungkook in confusion “baby you are the one who made this"

Jungkook suddenly start crying “I can't cook tasty food"

Taehyung wipped jungkook's tears and kissed his forehead “bun what are you saying, your cooking his best even you cook better than mom"

Jin gave taehyung a glare and he gave jin 'I'm sorry mom' look

Listening to taehyung jungkook's face lit up “really hubby"

“yes baby"

Jungkook hugged taehyung and start snuggling his face on taehyung's neck “hubby you smell nice"

“thank you baby"

They again start eating but jungkook again said something which was unexpected “eomma"

“yes kook"

“you said you're world wide handsome"

“yeah I'm"

“but my hubby is more handsome than you"

And jin was like wtf no one is more handsome than me

“baby what happen with you"

Jungkook gave taehyung a glare “what happen with me?"

“nothing let's eat"

“no I don't want to eat" saying that jungkook left from there

Jin looked at taehyung “did something happen with him"

“no mom"

Jungkook went to their room but suddenly felt something and run inside washroom and start throwing up. Taehyung also went behind jungkook and noticed jungkook was not in the room so he checked the washroom and saw jungkook throwing up

He quickly run towards jungkook and start rubbing his back “baby are you ok"

“y-yes hubby"

Taehyung washed jungkook's face and carried him to the room. He laid jungkook on the bed and called the doctor

“hubby why you call doctor"

“baby you're looking sick"

“but I'm fine"

“don't argue koo"

Jungkook nodded his head like a obedient kid

After sometime doctor came and checked jungkook

“doctor what happen"

“mr kim I have a good news for you"

“then tell me doctor"

“your wife is pregnant"

After listening to doctor taehyung felt complete, he was so happy that he's going to become a father

Doctor left and taehyung went downstairs to tell his parents about jungkook's pregnancy

“mom dad I want to tell you something"

“what is it baby, is jungkook fine" jin asked worriedly

“yes yes mom everything is fine"

“then what happen"

“dad i" before taehyung complete his sentence they heard the door bell rang

“I'll check" jin said and went to open the door it was yoonmin

They entered inside and taehyung quickly hugged jimin tightly “jimin-ah"

“tae I'm pregnant"

“oh sorry" saying that taehyung backed away and looked at everyone

“tae now tell what happen" namjoon asked due to curiosity

“dad you're going to become a dad" saying that taehyung hugged namjoon and then looked at yoongi “yoongi hyung you're going to become a brother"

Taehyung hold jin's hand “mom you're going to become an uncle", he then went to jimin and touched his belly “little one you're going to become a grandma"

He then looked at everyone “I'm pregnant" saying that taehyung fell on the floor

Yoongi went towards taehyung to check him but he suddenly sat up scaring the shit out of yoongi “I'm going to become a father" saying that he again fell

Everyone laughed at taehyung and yoongi with a lots of difficulties took him to his room

Jungkook looked at taehyung and become worried “hyung what happen with my hubby"

“he just become unconscious because of happiness"


Now they understand that jungkook don't know he's pregnant so no one said anything because it's better that taehyung will tell him

Jin sat beside jungkook “he'll tell you by himself"

“ok eomma"

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