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Morning comes and taehyung was the first one to woke up. He went to take a shower and after coming back decided to wake up jungkook

“baby wake up" taehyung said and gave a peck on jungkook's lips

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes but remembered what happened at night so quickly hide himself under a blanket

Taehyung chuckled at his bunny and removed the blanket from jungkook's face “baby look at hyungie"

Jungkook looked at taehyung looking like a red tomato “h-hyungie I'm embarrassed"

Taehyung kissed his forehead and start rubbing jungkook's cheeks with his thumbs “bun you're going to be my wife so there is nothing to embarrassed about ok"

Jungkook nodded his head and got a smile from taehyung “now go and take a shower mom is waiting for us"

“ok" saying that jungkook went to take a shower and after fifteen minutes he came back

They went downstairs where namjin, yoonmin and mr and mrs jeon were waiting for jungkook to come so they can wish the boy. As they came everyone start singing the happy birthday song for jungkook, the boy became really happy and hugged everyone

Jimin came with a big cake in his hands “kook let's cut the cake"

Jungkook like a excited bunny cut the cake and feed everyone

Now everyone is sitting in the living room and mrs jeon was telling jungkook's childhood stories

“mama~" jungkook whined when mrs jeon told everyone that how jungkook bite the dog when he was little

Taehyung start laughing at jungkook “bun you bite the dog instead of the dog bite you"

“you're also making fun of me" saying that the pouty bunny stood up and left from there

Taehyung chuckled at jungkook and also went after him

“bun listen"

Jungkook didn't reply so taehyung went near him and wrapped his hands around jungkook's waist “sorry I won't make your fun ever again"

“I'll forgive you only in one condition"

“then tell me I'll do anything for you"

“I want ice cream right now"

Taehyung kissed jungkook's cheek “ok my princess"

“I'm not princess" jungkook said hitting taehyung's chest with his tiny hands

Here they are in a restaurant, first they decided to eat ice cream but the bunny become hungry so taehyung took him to eat something

“hyungie when the food will arrive"

Taehyung ruffled jungkook's hairs “it will arrive soon"

After sometime the food arrived and the bunny happily start munching the food

“baby eat slowly"

“hyungie I'm hungry"

The waitress who came to serve them chuckled at jungkook's cute behavior “mr kim your fiance is so cute"

Taehyung gave her a smile “yeah I know"

Now they are back at home and getting ready for jungkook's birthday party

“bun how much time you'll take, guests start arriving" taehyung said to jungkook who was doing make-up for twenty minutes

“done hyungie" saying that jungkook looked at taehyung and taehyung's jaw dropped looking at jungkook

“what happened hyungie, I'm not looking beautiful"

“no bun you're looking so beautiful like an angel"

Jungkook blushed at the complement “thank you hyungie"

“now let's go"

Jungkook nodded his head and both went to the party where everyone was waiting for the birthday boy

Taehyung introduced jungkook with some of his business partners and noticed that kang was also there who tried to touch his bunny

Taehyung quickly went towards him and hold his collar “what are you doing here bastard"

A smirk appeared on kang's face “actually I'm here to see your beautiful fiance"

Taehyung really wanted to beat his ass but he can't do this here because he didn't want to ruin his bunny's birthday party so he called his guards and told them to throw that man out

Jungkook who was busy with his family members noticed taehyung's angry face so he went towards him and hold his hands “hyungie are you ok"

Taehyung nodded his head and gave jungkook a big smile

After cutting the cake jungkook start feeling sleepy

“hyungie I'm sleepy"

“then go and sleep inside the room I'll come after saying goodbye to guests" taehyung said ruffling jungkook's hairs

“yesterday I also stay here so what if mama papa-"

“don't worry they'll also stay here tonight"

Jungkook gave taehyung his bunny smile and hugged him “good night hyungie"

Taehyung kissed his forehead “good night my bunny"

After the guests left taehyung also went inside the room and looked at jungkook who was sleeping peacefully so after changing he also laid beside jungkook. As soon as taehyung laid jungkook hugged him and start snuggling his face on taehyung's chest

Taehyung kissed jungkook's forehead “I love you so much kook"

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