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Jin hugged jungkook and kissed his forehead “tae take care of my kookie"

Taehyung nodded his head and wrapped his hand around jungkook's waist “baby let's go"

Now taekook were inside taehyung's private jet where jungkook was getting scared because it was the first time he was traveling in plane

Taehyung noticed that and made jungkook sat on his lap “bun don't be scare, hubby is here with you"

Jungkook nodded his head and start snuggling his face on taehyung's neck

After sometime taehyung noticed that jungkook was fast asleep, he kissed jungkook's cheek and also went to his dream land

Hours passed and taekook finally reached their destination, taehyung slowly opened his eyes and noticed that jungkook was still sleeping so he didn't wake up the bunny and carried him in his arms and went out from the plane

The car was already waiting for them outside, taehyung sat inside the car with jungkook still sleeping

After reaching the hotel taehyung laid him on the bed and changed his clothes, after changing jungkook's clothes he took a shower and slept with his bunny

Morning comes and jungkook was the first one to woke up

Jungkook looked at his husband and a smile appeared on his face, he pecked taehyung's lips and went to take shower

After taking shower jungkook decided to wake up taehyung “hubby wake up"

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes and gave jungkook a big smile “good morning my queen"

“good morning hubby, now go and take a shower I'm hungry"

“ok bun" saying that taehyung went to take shower

After that both taekook went outside for breakfast

“hubby when the food will arrive"

Taehyung bopped jungkook's nose “just wait a little my love"

After sometime the food arrived and taekook were busy feeding each other but a voice came from behind

“hi mrs kim"

Both taekook looked behind and it was kang, seeing him taehyung got angry and hold his collar “what are you doing here!"

“none of your business" saying that he shrugged off taehyung's hand

Taehyung was about to punched him but jungkook hold his hand “hubby don't"

Taehyung glared at him and left from there with jungkook

After coming back home taehyung didn't said anything and start doing his work on laptop


“what" taehyung said in a cold voice which made the boy sad and tears start rolling down from his eyes because it was the first time taehyung was behaving with him like that


Taehyung noticed that his bunny was crying so he got panicked and quickly hugged him “baby don't cry"

“y-you're mad-mad at me"

“no love I'm not mad at you, I'm just angry because of that bastard and sorry that i talked rudely with you please forgive me"

“i-it's ok"

Taehyung kissed jungkook's forehead “I love you so much kim jungkook" saying that he attached his lips on jungkook's one

After breaking the kiss taehyung looked at jungkook “I also love you so much hubby"

Taehyung again kissed jungkook and laid him on the bed “you're mine only mine" saying that he again smashed his lips on jungkook's lips and start kissing him hungrily

He bite jungkook's lower lip and a moan escaped from his mouth, taehyung got the chance and entered his tongue inside jungkook's mouth and start tasting every corner of jungkook's sweet mouth

After getting satisfied with jungkook's lips he start kissing jungkook's neck where he created few hickeys and then his hands went inside jungkook's shirt and he start playing with jungkook's nipples and loud moan escaped from jungkook's mouth

“ahh hubby ah"

Taehyung removed jungkook's shirt and his eyes went towards jungkook's nipples so without wasting anytime he attached his mouth on jungkook's nipple and start sucking it

The pleasure jungkook was getting was too much for him “h-hubby mhmm ahhh it's ah so weird"

Taehyung smiled at jungkook and start sucking more

“hubby ahh slow mhmm ah slow down ah ahhh"

Taehyung stopped sucking jungkook's nipple but after few seconds he attached his mouth on other one and start sucking it

After sucking jungkook's nipples almost for half hour taehyung stopped and looked at jungkook who was looking like a red tomato and the poor boy already cummed three times


“y-yes hubby"

“do you enjoy that"

Jungkook nodded his head and hide his face on taehyung's chest

Taehyung chuckled at his wife and kissed his forehead

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