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Taekook came back home with their babies


“yes bun"

“what we'll name our babies"

After thinking about sometime taehyung said “baby what about kim haneul and kim hana"

Jungkook gave taehyung his bunny smile “i like these names"

Now there babies are four months old

It was night and the babies were already sleeping. Taehyung entered inside the room and looked at jungkook who was waiting for him. He went and sit beside jungkook

“bun it's been many months, now I can't control myself anymore" saying that he laid jungkook on the bed and hovered over him. He start kissing jungkook hungrily and when jungkook became out of breath he broke the kiss and went to jungkook's neck where he created hickeys

Taehyung pulled up jungkook's shirt and attached his mouth on jungkook's nipple but suddenly their son start crying

Taehyung stopped his actions and looked at jungkook with a pout

Jungkook pecked taehyung's pout “hubby take him to me"

Taehyung nodded and take the baby out from crab. He handed the baby to jungkook and jungkook start feeding him

After feeding the baby jungkook made him sleep and laid beside his pouty husband. He hugged taehyung and kissed his cheek “hubby we can continue now"

Taehyung was about to kiss jungkook but this time their daughter start crying

Jungkook was making breakfast and then taehyung came and hugged him from behind “good morning wifey"

Jungkook turned around and pecked taehyung's lips “good morning hubby"


“yes hubby"

“mom dad are not here and the babies are still sleeping so shall we"

Jungkook nodded his head shyly. Taehyung carried him to their room and laid jungkook on the bed, he hovered over jungkook and start kissing him. After breaking the kiss he went to jungkook's neck and collarbone and create few hickeys there

jungkook moans were turning on taehyung more so without wasting anytime he quickly removed his and jungkook's clothes. He start sucking jungkook's nipples like a hungry tiger

“ahh h-hubby sl ah slow down"

But taehyung start sucking them more hungrily. After getting satisfied with jungkook's nipples he created hickeys on jungkook's whole body

He looked at jungkook with satisfied look “you look so hot under me"

Jungkook didn't said anything just blushed. Taehyung took the lube and applied it on his fingers and his member

He entered two fingers in jungkook's hole and a scream left from his mouth “ahhh hubby"

Taehyung kissed jungkook's forehead and start moving his fingers slowing, after sometime he removed his fingers out from jungkook's hole and without warning jungkook he entered his full length in one go

“ahhh hubby ah it's h-hurting"

Taehyung kissed jungkook to distract him from pain and start moving inside him slowly

“mhmm hubby ngh f-fast" now jungkook was feeling pleasure and want it more

Taehyung increased his speed and start thrusting inside jungkook in animalistic speed

After sometime jungkook cummed moaning taehyung's name and taehyung also cummed inside jungkook

Both were breathing heavily, taehyung looked at jungkook “second round" and with that saying he again start fucking jungkook

After three rounds they stopped because jungkook was worried what if babies will wake up and start crying

Both took shower and after that taehyung feed jungkook and himself because they didn't had breakfast

After sometime the babies also wake up. Taehyung gave them to jungkook, after feeding them jungkook fell asleep because of tiredness and taehyung had to take care of his three babies

Two more months passed and the babies are now six months old

Jungkook was changing babies diapers and then taehyung came out from washroom after taking shower

Jungkook looked at taehyung irritatingly and threw the diaper on taehyung

Taehyung looked at jungkook confusingly “baby what was this for"

“I don't know" saying that jungkook again start changing babies diapers and the poor taehyung again had to take shower

After taking shower taehyung came out and start playing with babies but his son start pulling his hairs

Jungkook laughed at taehyung and carried the boy in his arms and the baby start calling mama in his tiny voice

Taehyung pouted “he never said dadda"

but after sometime he heard dadda from his daughter and his face face lit up “bun look she called me dadda"

Jungkook chuckled at his husband's cute behavior “hubby you're behaving like a kid"

Taehyung gave jungkook his boxy smile and kissed his daughter's forehead

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