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At night jungkook started crying, taehyung quickly woke up from his sleep and hugged the crying boy “shh bun don't cry"

“h-hubby h-he t-touched m-me"

Listening to jungkook taehyung felt like someone stabbed inside his chest “baby don't cry your tears are hurting me"

Jungkook quickly wiped his tears “I'm not crying"

Taehyung chuckled at his cuteness and kissed his forehead “bun now sleep"

“hubby I'm not feeling sleepy"

“wanna eat something"

Jungkook nodded his head and taehyung took him to kitchen

“bun I can only cook noodles"

jungkook gave taehyung his bunny smile “I can eat whatever my hubby will cook"

Taehyung felt little satisfaction after seeing his bunny smiling

After eating they went to their room

“koo baby"

“yes hubby"

“I love you so much" saying that taehyung hovered over jungkook

“I also love you so much"

Taehyung pecked jungkook's forehead and nose then placed his lips on jungkook's one and start kissing him slowly and softly, after sometime the kiss became rough

Taehyung bite jungkook's bottom lip and got the chance to enter his tongue inside jungkook's mouth and start tasting his bunny's sweet mouth. After getting satisfied with his lips taehyung start kissing jungkook's jaw and neck and create few hickeys there

Jungkook's moans were making taehyung more hard, he quickly removed jungkook's shirt and attached his mouth on jungkook's nipple and a loud moan left from jungkook's mouth “ahhh hubby"

After sucking one nipple he start sucking other one making jungkook a moaning mess



“do you trust me?"

“more than myself" jungkook said looking in taehyung's eyes

Taehyung pecked jungkook's lips and start creating more hickeys on jungkook's body

After getting satisfied with his work he looked at jungkook “baby I'm gonna remove your pants"

Jungkook nodded his head and taehyung removed his pants. Jungkook quickly hide his member with his hands

Taehyung removed jungkook's hands “baby I already saw you like this many times"

“but I'm feeling shy" jungkook said in a low voice and taehyung chuckled at his wifey

“so my bunny is shy" saying that taehyung start giving kisses on jungkook's member and the boy start giggling “hubby stop"

Taehyung stopped and looked at jungkook “I'm gonna prepare you ok"

Jungkook nodded and taehyung took the lube from night stand and applied it on his fingers

“bun I'm gonna enter my finger inside you"

Jungkook again nodded his head

Taehyung wide opened jungkook's legs and entered his index finger inside his little hole and a scream left from jungkook's mouth

“ahhhh hubby"

Taehyung pecked jungkook's lips and wipe his tears “shh it's ok my love"

Taehyung start moving his finger inside jungkook and after sometime it turned into three fingers

“ah mhmm hubby ahhh" with a loud moan jungkook cummed on taehyung's fingers

Taehyung took fingers out from jungkook's hole and kissed his forehead

Taehyung took off his pants and looking at his huge member jungkook quickly closed his eyes

“baby open your eyes"

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes and looked at taehyung's member “it's so big, no no huge"

Taehyung chuckled at jungkook and applied lube on his dick “baby I'm gonna enter it inside you"

“but it's so big, it won't go inside me"

“it will my bunny"

Taehyung slowly entered his tip inside jungkook and a loud scream left from his mouth “ahhh hubby it's ahh hurting"

Taehyung pecked jungkook's forehead “it will be ok bun"

Jungkook nodded his head and taehyung again started to enter his dick inside jungkook and the poor boy was continuously screaming because of pain, with a last final thrust taehyung fully entered inside jungkook

“h-hubby h-hurts"

Taehyung wiped jungkook's tears and bopped his nose “isn't my koo the cutest bunny in the world"

Jungkook giggled and nodded his head and like that taehyung told him sweet things till the boy adjust his size

After sometime taehyung noticed jungkook adjust his size so he start thrusting inside him slowly

“ahh mhmm hubby"

Taehyung thrust on jungkook's prostate and a pleasurable moan left from his mouth “ah hubby feeling ahhh weird"

Taehyung understood that jungkook was not feeling pain anymore so he start thrusting fastly but still trying to be gentle because he didn't want to hurt his bunny

After sometime jungkook cummed moaning taehyung's name and taehyung also cummed inside jungkook's filling his hole with his cum

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