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“so you're saying they arranged your marriage" jimin asked from taehyung

“yes" taehyung said and start pouting

“yeah don't pout and show me his picture"

Taehyung showed him the picture of jungkook

“omo tae he's so beautiful"

“I know"

“then what's the problem"

“I don't even know him and I can't marry someone whom I don't love"

“you have to thought about this before agreeing with jin uncle"

“yeah you are right"

Their talk got interrupted when jimin's phone start ringing

“hello yoonie" “ok ok I'm coming"

Jimin cut the call and looked at taehyung “tae I have to go bye"

Jimin left from there leaving taehyung alone

“God I don't want to marry"

“I think we should send them out together" jin said to mrs jeon

“I was also thinking about this"

“then I'll tell tae to take jungkook for a date"

“and I'll also tell kook to be ready" mrs jeon said giving jin a smile

Jin went to his house and called taehyung

“yes mom"

“come home right now"

“but why mom"

“do what I'm saying"


After sometime taehyung came home

“now tell me mom what's the matter"

“I want you to take jungkook for a date"

Taehyung looked at jin “so that's why you call me here"


“but I have work to complete"

“your work won't run anywhere just do what I'm saying"

“ok" saying that taehyung went inside his room

After getting ready he came downstairs “mom I'm going"

“good go now"

Taehyung was about to left but stopped when jin said “you're looking handsome kim taehyung"

A smile appeared on his face “thank you mom"

Now taehyung is outside of jeon's house, he knocked the door and mrs jeon came and open the door

She gave taehyung a big smile “come inside son"

Taehyung also gave her a smile and enter inside the house

“sit here"

Taehyung sit there and mrs jeon gave him a glass of juice

“thank you"

“do you need something else"

“no no" saying that he start drinking juice

After drinking juice he asked from mrs jeon “where's jungkook"

“he's in his room I'll call him" mrs jeon said and went inside jungkook's room

“kook baby how much time you need taehyung is here"

“mama I'm ready"

After few minutes jungkook came downstairs seeing him taehyung's jaw dropped

Taehyung's mind:
“he's so beautiful"

Jungkook also start blushing when he looked at taehyung

Jungkook's mind:
“he's so handsome"

But both came back to reality when mrs jeon spoke “are you guys planning to look at each other whole day"

“n-no" taehyung said and gave his hand to jungkook

Jungkook quickly hold his hand and both left from there

Now they are in a restaurant where jungkook is talking like there's no tomorrow

“yeah bunny you talk too much"

“s-sorry" saying that jungkook start pouting and tears start rolling down from his eyes

Taehyung notice it and quickly wipe jungkook's tears with his thumb “don't cry" he said ruffling jungkook's hairs

Taehyung's mind:
“he's so cute"


Taehyung looked at jungkook “yes"

“can we go home"

“aren't you feeling comfortable with me"

“no no I think I'm just irritating you"

Now taehyung felt bad that he shouldn't had talked like this with jungkook

Taehyung hold jungkook's hand “sorry I won't talk with you like that again"

“okie" jungkook said and gave taehyung his bunny smile

Taehyung chuckle at the cute bunny “you're so cute"

Jungkook start blushing “thank you hyung"

After eating jungkook asked from taehyung “can I call you taetae hyungie"

Taehyung pinched jungkook's cheek “you can call me whatever you want"

After dropping jungkook at his house taehyung also went to his house

“so how was your date" jin asked from taehyung

“good and he's so cute" taehyung said and a smile appeared on his face

“so you like him"

“I don't know" saying that taehyung quickly left from there

Today the min family is in kim mansion and they are discussing about taehyung's marriage

On other hand both taehyung and jimin are in taehyung's room

“so how was your date with jungkook"

“it was nice"

“then what you think about him"

“he's so cute like a baby and his doe eyes they hold the whole galaxy" taehyung said smiling like a crazy person

“that's mean you like him"


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