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Days passed and today is taekook's engagement day

“jimin after engagement ceremony I'll tell him that how I feel for him" but his smile dropped “what if he don't feel the same for me"

Jimin gave taehyung a smile “don't worry I think he also feel the same for you"


Jimin nodded his head “now let's go everyone is waiting"


Here taehyung was waiting on the stage for jungkook to come

After sometime the boy came looking all beautiful like an angel

Taehyung went towards jungkook and hold his hand, the boy blush in return and after that both exchange the rings

After exchanging the rings they start greeting the guests

“kook he's my business partner mr kang"


“hi, nice to meet you" the man said and tried to handshake with jungkook but jungkook ignored his handshake

During the whole conversation he was looking at jungkook like a meal which was unnoticed by taehyung

“hyungie I want to go washroom" jungkook whispered in taehyung's ear

“do you want me to come with you" taehyung whispered back

“n-no I can go by myself"


Jungkook went to washroom and taehyung start talking with guests

That pervert kang noticed it and went after jungkook

Jungkook came out from washroom and saw him outside so he ignored his presence and tried to left from there but he grabbed jungkook's hand

“l-leave my hand"

He tightened his grip on jungkook's hand and hold jungkook's waist with his other hand “you're so beautiful let me have a taste of you"

“leave me!!" Jungkook shouted and he quickly put his hand on jungkook's mouth

“don't shout just let me do what I want after that I'll leave you" saying that he was about to kiss jungkook's neck but a punch landed on his face

“you bastard how dare you to touch my fiance" saying that taehyung again start punching him

Taehyung stop punching the man and looked at jungkook who was a crying mess so he quickly hug the boy and start rubbing his back
“shh bun look I'm here don't cry"

Jungkook hug taehyung more tightly “d-don't l-leave m-me"

“I'm not leaving you baby I'm here with you" saying that taehyung pick up the boy in bridal style and went inside the room and made him sit on the bed

Taehyung wiped jungkook's tears with his thumb “don't cry kook your tears are hurting me"

Jungkook quickly wiped his tears “I'm not crying"

Taehyung chuckled at his cuteness and kiss his forehead

Jungkook start blushing because it's the first time taehyung kissed him

Taehyung laid jungkook on the bed “now sleep bun you need some rest"

Jungkook hold taehyung's hand “c-can you please cuddle with me"

Taehyung gave him a smile and laid beside him

Jungkook quickly hugged him and start snuggling his face on taehyung's chest

Taehyung chuckled at him and covered both of them with blanket

After sometime taehyung noticed that jungkook is fast asleep so he called jimin and told him to tell everyone that jungkook was not feeling good that's why they left from there and also inform mr and mrs jeon that jungkook is staying with him tonight

He cut the call and looked at jungkook, he removed hairs from jungkook's forehead and kissed him

“i love you kook"

Taehyung noticed that jungkook is not comfortable in his sleep so he went to take clothes from his closet, he took his hoodie and boxer for jungkook

After changing his clothes he also laid beside him

Morning comes and taehyung was the first one to woke up

He looked at jungkook who was sleeping peacefully on his chest, he kissed jungkook's forehead and start rubbing his cheeks with his thumb

“bun wake up"

“hyungie let me sleep" jungkook said and start snuggling his face on taehyung's chest

“but it's already late bun you have to wake up"

“just five minutes hyungie"


An hour passed and jungkook is still not waking up

“kook wake up now I'm getting late for office"

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes and start hitting taehyung's chest

“you're so meanie you love your office work not me" jungkook realized what he said because taehyung never said that he loves him obviously it's an arrange marriage so how can taehyung loves him so he stop hitting taehyung and looked at other direction

Taehyung noticed it and hovered over jungkook

“bun I love you"

Jungkook looked in taehyung's eyes “you you love me"

“yes" saying that taehyung kissed jungkook's forehead and waited for his reply

“h-hyungie I l-love you too" jungkook said and start blushing

Taehyung without wasting anytime smashed his lips on jungkook's lips

The kiss was slow and gentle, deep and meaningful, showing that how much they love each other

After sometime they broke the kiss and looked into each other's eyes

“I love you so much kook" taehyung said and kissed jungkook's forehead

Jungkook blushed and put his hands around taehyung's neck “I also love you sooooo much hyungie"

Taehyung pinched the bridge of jungkook's nose “you're so cute bunny"

“now bun go and take a shower"

“ok hyungie" saying that jungkook stood up and noticed that his clothes are changed so he looked at taehyung

“you changed my clothes"


“that's mean you saw everything"


Jungkook start blushing and a smirk appeared on taehyung's face

“bun I already saw everything so how about taking shower together"

Now jungkook become red tomato “you-you're pervert" saying that jungkook quickly run inside the washroom

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