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After breakfast everyone is sitting in the living room discussing about taekook's marriage date

“I think we should held the marriage ceremony next month because after that taehyung will have a business trip in France for three months" saying that jin looked at taekook “but if they can wait so we'll held the ceremony after taehyung will come back"

“no no mom next month is perfect" taehyung looked at jungkook “am I right baby"

Jungkook nodded his head and a big smile appeared on taehyung's face “mom we both are ready to get married next month"

Jin smacked taehyung's head “impatient brat"

Taehyung whined and hugged jungkook

Jungkook chuckled at his soon to be husband and start ruffling his hairs

“so next month is final" mrs jeon said with a big smile but felt sad that their precious son will leave them

Taehyung was in his office signing some papers but heard a knock on his door “come in"

The same bitch entered inside who that day came in taehyung's cabin to gave him files “good morning mr kim"

Taehyung didn't greeted her back “put the files on the table and leave"

She put the files on the table and went towards taehyung and stood in front of him

Taehyung looked at her angrily “I told you to leave"

“calm down mr kim" saying that she tried to touch taehyung but he quickly pushed her on the floor

“you are fire, now get out!!" Taehyung shouted looking like he'll kill her anytime

She become scared  and quickly run out from there

Taehyung sat on his chair angrily and start doing his work but a smile appeared on his face remembering that he's going to marry jungkook next month

Today taekook are going for their wedding shopping. Here taehyung is waiting for jungkook in living room of jeon's house “eomma what he's doing" taehyung asked from mrs jeon

“I'll go and check him" saying that mrs jeon was about to go but stopped when jungkook came “kook tae is waiting for you for a long time" mrs jeon scold jungkook and the boy start pouting

“eomma it's ok" taehyung said and went towards jungkook “bun let's go"

Now they are in a mall where taehyung already selected his wedding suit but the bunny was confuse



“I can't choose the dress. Please help me"

Taehyung kissed jungkook's cheek “ok my princess"

“how many times I told you I'm not princess"

“yeah you're not princess you're my queen"

Jungkook start blushing and hide his face with his tiny hands. Taehyung removed jungkook's hands from his face and pecked his lips

“bun don't hide your beautiful face"

Jungkook didn't said anything just blushed

And with the help of taehyung jungkook finally choosed his dress

After shopping for almost six hours, here they are in a restaurant to fill their empty tummies

“baby what you want to eat"

“I'll eat anything"

Taehyung ordered the food for both of them and after sometime a waiter came to serve them. The waiter start serving them and taehyung noticed that his eyes were on jungkook so he gave him a death glare, the waiter became scared and quickly left them alone

After eating taehyung dropped jungkook to his house and left for his office because he has an important meeting today

Taehyung was sitting in the meeting room waiting for the person to come “mr lee cancel the meeting I can't work with someone who don't value time" taehyung said to his assistant but the door suddenly opened revealing the person they were waiting for

“sorry for being late mr kim"

“you know what miss Yeri I don't like people who said sorry after doing mistakes"

“mr kim please I won't get late again but please don't cancel the deal"

“I'm giving you the first and last chance" saying that taehyung sat on the chair

During the whole meeting yeri was looking at taehyung
Yeri's mind:
“he's so hot I'll make him fall for me"

After the meeting she invited taehyung for a lunch but he rejected her saying he had some work to complete

Taehyung was in his cabin waiting for jungkook because jungkook told him that he'll bring lunch for taehyung. After sometime someone entered inside without knocking and taehyung understood that it's his baby. Taehyung looked at jungkook and patted his lap. Jungkook like a cute bunny went and sat on taehyung's lap

“bun why are you late" taehyung said snuggling his face on back of jungkook's neck

“because of traffic"

Taehyung didn't said anything and started giving kisses on jungkook's neck

“hyungie the food will get cold"

Taehyung stopped kissing him and looked at the food “yeah let's eat I'm so hungry"

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