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At morning jungkook woke up first and noticed taehyung was still sleeping “hubby wake up you have a meeting today"

Taehyung quickly sat up and checked the time “baby please take out my blue suit" saying that he run inside washroom

After taking shower taehyung came out from washroom with a towel around his waist looking so hot

Looking at taehyung jungkook start blushing which was noticed by taehyung so he decided to tease his bunny

He went near jungkook and wrapped his hands around jungkook's waist “baby"


“why you're blushing so much"

“I'm-I'm not blushing"

“then why your cheeks are looking like a tomato"

Jungkook backed away from taehyung and handed him his clothes “w-wear your clothes you're getting late"

Taehyung took clothes from jungkook's hand and about to remove towel from his waist but jungkook quickly run inside the washroom

Taehyung laughed at his silly bunny “he's so cute"

Taehyung kissed jungkook's forehead “baby I'm going"

Jungkook nodded his head and gave taehyung his bunny smile

“and don't go outside ok"

“hubby you're saying this again and again"

Taehyung pecked jungkook's lips “because I care about you my queen"

“I know and don't worry I won't go anywhere"

After that taehyung went for meeting and jungkook was alone at hotel

Taehyung was in the meeting room discussing about the project with his partners and then the door opened revealing yeri

Taehyung stood up from his chair “what you're doing here"

She gave taehyung a big smile “mr kim I'm also a part of this project actually mr choi's company was in lost so he partnership with us and gave half of his shares to our company so automatically my company became part of this project"

Taehyung looked at that man angrily

“sorry mr kim we didn't inform you about this before"

“so can we start the meeting" saying that she took the seat beside taehyung

On other hand jungkook was watching tv and then heard a knock on the door

Jungkook went to open the door and it was kang

“hi mrs kim"

“w-what are you d-doing here"

“I'm here for you baby boy"

Jungkook tried to shut the door but he stopped him and hold jungkook's wrist tightly

“l-leave m-me"

“not this easily" saying that he gave jungkook chloroform and the boy became unconscious

After meeting taehyung went back to hotel and start searching jungkook but didn't found him so he start getting panicked “oh God where is my bun"

He decided to call jungkook and after sometime the call was received “baby where are you"

“your baby is with me"

“who are you and where's my koo"

“ohh you don't recognize my voice mr kim"

“you bastard! where's my jungkook"

“cool down taehyung he's with me, I'm gonna have him tonight"

“don't dare to touch him!! I'll kill you!!"

“you can't do anything"

Tears start rolling down from taehyung's eyes and he fell on his knees “please don't do anything to him, my koo is so innocent"

“tonight I'll ruin his innocence" saying that he cut the call

Taehyung was a crying mess “please G-God p-protect my k-koo"

On other hand jungkook slowly opened his eyes and noticed he was on a bed and his hands and legs were tied with rope

Tears start rolling down from his eyes “hubby please save me"

“you're hubby won't save you" kang entered inside the room and sat beside jungkook on the bed “tonight I'll leave this country with you and after that taehyung won't find us"

“and after that taehyung will become single again so guess what I'll marry him" yeri said also entering inside the room

“my hubby only loves me, he will never marry you"

She harshly grabbed jungkook's jaw “I'll make him fall for me and then marry him!"

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