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Taehyung went to basement where his men were waiting for him “where is she"

“inside sir" one of the man said opening the door of a room

Taehyung went inside the room and looked at the girl who was tied on the chair. He grabbed her jaw harshly and slapped her “this is how you slapped my baby!!"

It was yeri who run away after the police caught kang but taehyung found her and now he gonna punish her for hurting his wife

He again slapped her harshly “tell me this is how you slapped my koo!!"

She flinched from taehyung's shout and nodded her head

He again slapped her “i want words!"


“good now be ready for your punishment"

“taehyung please forgive me I did everything for you"

He grabbed her jaw “so you did everything for me"

“y-yes i-i wanted to marry you"

Taehyung start laughing “oh so you wanted to marry me"

She nodded her head and taehyung again grabbed her jaw “how dare you to think that I'll marry you, I only belongs to kim jungkook" saying that he again  landed a slap on her face and turned to his men “torture her as much as you can"

Taehyung left from there and went to his room. Jungkook was awake and waiting for taehyung and when he saw his husband he quickly hugged him “hubby where were you, I was scared"

“baby I heard some noises from outside so I went to check there"

Jungkook nodded his head and gave taehyung a kiss on his cheek “hubby let's sleep"

At morning jungkook was making breakfast and then felt two big hands around his tiny waist, he turned around and pecked taehyung's cheek “good morning hubby"

“good morning my queen" taehyung was about to kiss jungkook but stopped by jin's voice

“pervert I'm watching you"

Jungkook tried to back away but taehyung pulled him more closer “then don't see us"

“come here" jin tried to smack taehyung but he hide behind jungkook

“bun save me"

Jungkook laughed at his silly husband “hubby go and take shower, breakfast is ready"

Taehyung nodded his head and quickly run from there to save hisself from jin

Both jungkook and jin laughed at taehyung

At dinning table everyone was eating peacefully


“yes dad"

“when you're going to join office"

Listening to namjoon jungkook quickly hold taehyung's bicep “hubby don't go anywhere, I feel scared without you" jungkook was still scared because of that incident

Taehyung made jungkook to sit on his lap “I'm not going anywhere bun, I'm here with my baby"

Jungkook nodded and put his head on taehyung's chest “I love you hubby"

Taehyung kissed jungkook's head “I love you too baby"

Jungkook was finding something on the floor and then taehyung came and his eyes went to jungkook's ass. He smirked and grabbed jungkook's ass

Jungkook flinched and turned around “hubby what are you doing"

“what I'm doing"

“why you grabbed my butt"

“can't I touch my wife"

“you can but-" before jungkook could complete his sentence taehyung start kissing him roughly, after sometime jungkook also start kissing back

Taehyung broke the kiss and looked at jungkook “baby I can't control myself anymore" saying that taehyung picked up jungkook and laid him on the bed

Taehyung hovered over jungkook and again start kissing him, taehyung squeezed jungkook's ass and a moan left from jungkook's. Taehyung entered his tongue inside jungkook's mouth and start tasting every corner of his mouth

Taehyung broke the kiss and start sucking jungkook's neck and create hickeys, he then removed jungkook's shirt and start playing with his nipples

Taehyung took right nipple in his mouth while playing with other one

Jungkook hold taehyung's hairs and pressed his face more on his chest “ahh h-hubby it's s-so ahh good"

Taehyung smiled at jungkook and start sucking more, after getting satisfied with it he attached his mouth on other nipple and start sucking it, he then went towards jungkook's tummy and create few hickeys there

Taehyung removed jungkook's pants and create hickeys on jungkook's inner thighs, the pleasure jungkook was getting was enough for him and he cummed with a loud moan

Taehyung spread jungkook's legs more and kissed his hole “you're mine, your body is mine, only I have the right to fuck this pretty hole of yours"

“y-yes h-hubby I'm a-all y-yours"

Taehyung quickly removed his clothes and again start kissing jungkook, he broke the kiss and took the lube from side table

Taehyung applied the lube on his fingers and dick, he slowly entered his finger inside jungkook's hole

Jungkook screamed because of the pain “ahh h-hubby"

“fuck baby I already fucked you a day ago and you're still so tight" taehyung groaned and start moving his finger in and out, he then added two more fingers and start moving them fastly

After sometime jungkook cummed on taehyung's fingers, he then removed his fingers from jungkook's hole and aligned his cock in jungkook's entrance “baby I'm gonna enter it inside ok"

Jungkook nodded his head and taehyung entered his full length inside his hole in one go

“ahhhh h-hubby ah it's ahh

Taehyung start kissing jungkook to distract him from the pain and when he noticed jungkook has adjusted his size so he start thrusting inside jungkook

When taehyung's dick hit on jungkook's prostate a pleasurable moan left from his mouth “ahh mhmm hubby"

Taehyung noticed it and start thrusting on the same spot

“h-hubby ahh y-yes t-there ahh nghh"

Taehyung smiled at jungkook and increased his speed “how my baby is feeling, tell hubby"

“ahh mhmm s-so ah so g-good"

After sometime jungkook cummed moaning his husband's name and taehyung also cummed inside jungkook

Taehyung was about to take his member out from jungkook's hole but again he got hard when jungkook start clenching on his dick and then the second round started

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