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The next day taehyung wake up and went downstairs to see jin who was arranging breakfast on the dinning table he then went and hug his mother from behind

“mom sorry"

Jin didn't reply so he turned jin and again said “mom sorry please forgive me" saying that he bend and hold jin's leg “mom please please please forgive me, I'll marry whoever you choose just forgive me"

Jin chuckle at his son “ok ok I forgive you now stand up"

Taehyung stand up and kiss jin's cheek “I love you so much mom"

Jin also kiss taehyung's forehead “I also love you so much"

“what you guys are doing" namjoon said coming from upstairs

“nothing, come and eat breakfast" jin said giving namjoon a big smile

“did something happen you're looking so much happy" namjoon asked bcz of curiosity

“stop your questions now come and eat breakfast" jin said getting irritated from namjoon's questions

After breakfast both taehyung and namjoon went for office

Jin went for shopping and when he was crossing the door a car was about to hit him but a boy quickly pull him and save his life

“are you ok uncle"

“yes bub and thank you so much" jin said giving him a big smile

“welcome" he said giving jin his bunny smile

Jin pinched his cheek and asked “you're so cute baby, what's your name"


“so beautiful name like you" jin said again pinching his cheek

Jungkook giggle and said “thank you"

Jin got a call from his maid and after talking with her he looked at jungkook

“ok bye baby I have to go"

“bye" jungkook said waving his hand

Namjoon was coming back from office but his eyes went towards a man who was standing at the road,  it was dark there so he decided to help him, he get out from the car and went towards the man and called him

“hey do you need any help"

The man turn towards namjoon
and both become shock



Both hug each other and after breaking the hug namjoon asked “what you're doing here at this time"

“actually my car stopped at the middle and not starting"

“it's ok come I'll drop you"

Both sit inside the car and seo-jun
asked “what you're doing nowadays"

“nothing I just handover my business to my son"

“so you're a business man, what business you do?"

“have you heard about kim industries"

Seo-jun become shocked “don't tell me it's your company"

“it is"

“so that's mean kim taehyung is your son"

Namjoon nodded his head and they start talking about some other random stuff

“joon stop here"

“it's your house" namjoon asked pointed towards the house

“yes and I want you to come for a dinner tomorrow"

“of course" namjoon said and give him his dimple smile

Everyone was eating dinner then namjoon spoke “jinie today I met with my high school friend and he invited us for dinner so be ready for tomorrow's night"

“ok" jin said giving namjoon a smile

“jinie what happened today you're smiling so much" namjoon asked seeing jin all happy

“actually I met with a beautiful boy today, he saved my life-"

Namjoon become worried “what happened with you"

“joonie relax it's nothing I was just crossing the road but a car come in front of me and about to hit me but that boy saved me"

“so you're smiling bcz of that boy" namjoon said with a jealousy

Jin smacked his head “idiot he's like my son actually I was thinking about making him taehyung's wife" jin said with a smile

“do you know him"

Jin's smile dropped “I only know his name nothing else"

“then how will you make him taehyung's wife" namjoon asked being done with jin

“I don't know" jin said and left from there with a pout

“baby listen" mr jeon said to his wife who was washing dishes and back hug her

“what are you doing kook will see" mrs jeon said and turned to face his husband

“he won't, he's sleeping"

Mrs jeon smile at her husband “ok now tell me what you were saying"

“actually today I met with my high school friend and I invited him tomorrow for dinner"

“don't worry I'll arrange everything" mrs jeon said giving her husband a smile

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