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Taehyung slowly pulled his member out from jungkook's hole and laid beside him

Jungkook start snuggling his face on taehyung's chest "h-hubby"

"yes bun"

"i love my hubby so much"

Taehyung pecked jungkook's forehead "hubby also loves his wifey so much"

Jungkook giggled and soon both fell asleep in each other's embrace

At morning taehyung woke up first and noticed that jungkook was still sleeping so he didn't wake him up. After taking shower taehyung went to make breakfast for jungkook, with the help of jin he made breakfast for his bunny and went to their room

Taehyung sat beside jungkook and start ruffling his hairs lovingly "bun wake up"

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes and gave taehyung his bunny smile but soon winced in pain when he tried to sat up "ahh hubby hurting"

Taehyung placed him on his lap and kissed his forehead "sorry bun because of me you're feeling pain"

"don't say sorry hubby, I liked it" saying that jungkook hide his face on taehyung's chest

"so my queen enjoyed it"

Jungkook hit taehyung's bicep playfully "don't tease me"

"ok ok now let's have breakfast"

"no hubby first I want to take shower"

Taehyung pecked jungkook's lips and carried him inside the washroom. After giving jungkook shower taehyung feed him breakfast and then gave him painkiller

"hubby I don't like medicines"

"but baby it will reduce your pain"

And with a big pout jungkook took the painkiller

After that both decided to watch a movie, jungkook was sitting on taehyung's lap and eating snacks

Taehyung rubbed jungkook's back lovingly and kissed his forehead "bun look at me"

Jungkook looked at taehyung with a big bunny smile "baby last night your behavior was not good with everyone, you know how much eomma was hurt when you didn't let her hug you"

Taehyung pulled jungkook more closer to his chest "my kookie is a good bunny right"

Jungkook nodded his head and snuggled more on taehyung's chest

"then you should say sorry to eomma and others"

"ok hubby" and in few minutes jungkook fell asleep in taehyung's arms

It was evening and everyone was in the living room. Taehyung came downstairs with jungkook in his arms and sat beside jin with jungkook on his lap

Jungkook looked at taehyung and got a nod from him and then looked at his mother "mama"

"yes kook"

"sorry mama, sorry everyone" he then looked at taehyung "hubby look I say sorry to everyone"

Taehyung ruffled jungkook's hairs "my koo is a good baby"

Jungkook gave taehyung his bunny smile and tried to get up from taehyung's lap so he can go to his mother but he winced in pain and start rubbing his bum with his both hands

Everyone laughed at jungkook's cute behavior and here comes our pregnant jimin "ohh yes finally tae fucked jungkook"

Everyone present their become embarrassed because of jimin's statement

And here comes jin "that means I'll become grandmother soon"

"me too" mrs jeon said and hugged jin

Both were hugging each other like two crazy people

Jungkook hide his face on taehyung's chest "hubby~"

"yes baby"

"they are making me embarrasse"

Taehyung chuckled at his wifey "mom eomma please stop my koo is shy"

Jungkook hit taehyung's chest "you are also teasing me"

Taehyung hold jungkook's hand and kissed his knuckles "sorry my queen"

Jungkook blushed and hugged taehyung tightly "hubby"

"yes baby"

"this is how we got babies"

"you don't know?"

"no, I thought that it will automatically come inside the tummy"

Taehyung laughed at jungkook and bopped his nose "why you're this much innocent"



Jungkook was sleeping peacefully in taehyung's arms and then taehyung's phone start ringing so he quickly picked up the call not wanting to woke up his bunny


"hello mr kim we found her"

"good I'm coming" saying that taehyung cut the call and looked at the sleeping beauty in his arms. He laid jungkook on the bed and placed the pillow beside him and left from there

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