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After taking shower jungkook came out from the washroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and called taehyung


Taehyung went towards jungkook and wrapped his hands around his tiny waist “yes bun"

“I I don't have clothes"

Taehyung kissed jungkook's forehead “everything here is yours bun so take what you want to wear from the closet"

Jungkook nodded his head and taehyung went to take shower

Jungkook took  hoodie and boxer and decided to wear it

After taking shower taehyung came out and his eyes went towards jungkook's thighs which were revealing so he went towards jungkook who was sitting on the bed and sit beside him

He start roaming his hand on jungkook's thighs and called him “bun"

“y-yes h-hyungie"

“don't you think that you should wear some pants"

Jungkook nodded his head and taehyung went to take pants for jungkook

He gave pants to jungkook “here change it"

Jungkook looked at taehyung waiting for him to go out

“what bun"

“go out so I can change"


Before taehyung could say anything jungkook cut him

“I know you saw me naked last night but that time I was sleeping"

“so what"

“so I'm shy now please go out"

Taehyung chuckled at jungkook's cuteness “ok my princess"

Jungkook start blushing and hit taehyung's bicep “I'm not princess"

Taehyung kissed jungkook's cheek “you are" saying that he left from there so jungkook can change his clothes

Now everyone is eating breakfast and taehyung is feeding jungkook

Jin looked at them and smile “joonie look tae is looking so happy with kook" he whispered in namjoon's ear


“mom dad we're going" taehyung said gaining namjin's attention

“bye eomma appa" jungkook said giving them his bunny smile

“bye bub" both namjin said at the same time

Jin went towards jungkook and kissed his forehead “tae take care of my baby"

“mom he's my baby not yours"

Jin smacked taehyung's head and jungkook start giggling

Taehyung start pouting “dad~"



Namjoon gulped “nothing baby"

Jungkook went towards taehyung and hugged him “hyungie don't pout"

Taehyung hugged jungkook more tightly and peck his lips “ok bun" saying that he picked jungkook in bridal style and left from there

“hyungie why are you carrying me" jungkook said looking like a red tomato

“because I want to" taehyung opened the car door and placed jungkook on passenger seat

Now they are outside of jungkook's house

“hyungie come inside"

“bun I'm getting late for office I'll come next time"

Jungkook start pouting “ok"

Taehyung can't see his bunny pouting so he agreed to go inside

After spending some time with jeon's taehyung went to his office where yoongi was waiting for him

“hyung what are you doing here"

“what can't I come here"

“no no you can but normally you don't come except for meetings"

“yeah actually I want your help" saying that yoongi hold taehyung's hands “please help me taehyung-ah"

“ok ok I'll help you but tell me what happened"

“jimin is angry with me and not talking with me"

“you did something"

“actually yesterday I promised him to take him for a shopping but suddenly I got a call from my assistant and I had to go office"

After listening to yoongi taehyung start laughing “hyung he's angry just because of this"

Yoongi smacked his head “don't laugh when you'll get married then you'll know my situation"

“hyung my kook is not dumb like jimin"

“yeah whatever you'll know after marriage but for now help me"

“ok let me think"

After sometime taehyung speak “i think you should plan a beautiful date for him"

“why I didn't think about that" saying that yoongi quickly run from there and taehyung again start laughing but stopped when his phone start ringing

He checked the caller and it was jin so he quickly pick up the call

“hello mom"

“come home early today" saying that jin cut the call

“now what's the matter" taehyung said to himself but remembered that he have work to complete so he start doing his work

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