"So who later had the crush?" Dazzle asked the angel.

"Sabrina. On their graduation night, Susie called Sabrina to see at the nearby cafe. And surprisingly, she came. She apologized to Sabrina and she readily agreed. She told Susie that she knows nothing of the crush anymore. But soon when the crush alighted from the car as Sabrina's boyfriend, Susie was devastated."

"But why? Sabrina told her she had forgotten about the guy"

"Sabrina smirked and Susie was so angry. She started wrestling her sister. The manager threw them out, yet they continued fighting. The guy tried to separate them but it was really difficult, They reached a cliff side and Sabrina said;

"If i die now, my boyfriend will never be yours!"

"You lied to me"

"Susie was so angry, she pushed her sister down the cliff. She broke her neck and fell into the river. Tears filled her eyes as she looked at her own hands. She looked behind and saw the guy. The guy stared at her angrily.

'MURDERER!!!!" The guy screamed as Susie ran off into the deep forest"

"Sad story. but how did she become a spirit? Did she die?" Dazzle asked.

"Yeah. But lets start like this; Susie's running into the forest made her run into a peaceful kingdom. King Harrison was the King and the Queen was Queen Camila. Queen Camila was so humble, and people loved her honesty and right attitude to the subjects. But Queen Camila was always sad. She never had a child of her own, but always wished she could. When Susie got there, Queen Camila was happy to make Susie her closest advisor. But Susie became jealous of Queen Camila. She was always at the top, had many followers and no one even - looked at her. She decided to get rid of Queen Camila once and for all. Susie never forgot about her sister anyway. She wanted the whole world to lose their sisters, friends, and be sad. She was a dark being, and light was not a very good thing for someone like her, ESPECIALLY if Queen Camila was the source of the light"

"So you mean Queen Camila is an angel" Dazzle was more and more inquisitive.

"Yes. A beautiful one indeed. Susie decided to sneak into Queen Camila's room with her dark powers. But Harrison, The King, caught her and imprisoned her. Susie transformed into many and tormented the kingdom. She possessed everyone. Some of the maids and guards turned into vampires and zombies. Queen Camila was kicked out of the kingdom and King Harrison married she-devils named Mar and Georgia. Georgia had a son named Jason, and after many years of waiting, Mar gave birth to Susie, named after the spirit."

"So, who's the real dark angel around here?'

"Susie. She possessed 4 year old Susie, and even killed Isabelle the angel's sister. She killed Tuesday's friend and killed your friend. She possessed Isabelle and she killed the whole kingdom through Isabelle. Now that i have killed her, with the permission of the arch angel, she won't be killing anyone again."

"Well, thanks for that."

"Am Angel Daniel. Call me if there's any problem." He made a love sign with his fingers and vanished.

"Wait.......did he just say he....loves me?? I LOVE YOU TOOO!!!!!!!!" Dazzle screamed in excitement.


Angel Daniel got back to the white garden where everyone were there.

"Uhm....job's done."

"Am proud of you Daniel" Arch Angel Agatha said.

"But Daniel we have a mission" Sharon said.

"Which Mission?" He sat down.

"Well, there's this case we have to sort about a woman and her husband. They have a murder case and all the relatives are dead. So we have to go there and sort things." A.A.A replied.

"So.......you are not taking males?' A male angel asked.

"yeah. She has 7 sisters who are witnesses. So, we are going" Sharon said.

"Is Isabelle going?" Daniel asked.

"No, she isn't"

"Ok, great." Daniel and Isabelle went to the white palace.

"Where are you guys going?"

"The palace. To rest" Daniel and Isabelle got in. Soon, Isabelle locked the door.

"What now?"

"I love you Daniel. What do we have to hide from the rest?" Isabelle said.

"Isa, what?" Daniel looked at her strangely.

"Yeah. I feel so uncomfortable having to hide this from you. For years, i didn't understand what was happening. I told Angel White and she told me it was love"

"You are crazy. Look, we are not humans and we can't love. Its impossible" Angel Daniel said.

"Am going to tell everyone that we are in love"

"ISABELLE! YOU CANT DO THAT, WILL YOU??" Isabelle stormed off.

"ISABELLE! ARE YOU AN ANGEL THIS WAY?"  She turned around to hear what he said.

"Am an angel, yes. I know you love me. You just care about what A.A.A will say" Isabelle slammed the door angrily.                                             

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