"Isabelle! She just doesn't understand!" Daniel thought. Isabelle was silent all through. Whenever Daniel tried to catch her attention, she'd just tell him to buzz off. Angel White noticed Isabelle's strange behavior.

"Hi Isabelle, what's up with you? You've been so so dull. If A.A.A knows you are like this, she'll read your mind" Angel White said.

"Angel White, i dont understand your brother any longer. Like, ever since i confessed my feelings, he's always been talking about what A.A.A will say." Isabelle sniffed away tears.

"Are you crying? Angels are not supposed to cry. No, Isabelle you can't cry" Angel White hugged her.

"Angel White, help me in any way you can. Knock some sense into your crazy brother!"

"Ah! Isabelle, dont let anyone hear you!" Angel White said as Isabelle stood up to leave. She bumped into someone.

"Can't you -" She was elated to see the person.


"Hey, Angel I, do you know me?" Susie said.

"Yeah. I was possessed. And i....killed you. Sorry for that. Where's Mar?"

"She...uh...i..i didn't find her when i got to heaven. She didnt come with me! SHE'S A BAD MOTHER!" susie cried.

"Oh Susie, i know on earth, she's really depressed because you are dead" Isabelle patted her hair and lifted her.

"Baby, i love your wings" Isabelle smiled.

"Thank you Angel I. Guess what, Arch Angel Agatha told me, you'll be my mom."

"OH WOW!!!!!!" Isabelle screamed in excitement.

"Do you like her isabelle" A.A.A came with the watering can.

"A.A.A! You came back!" Angel White said.

"Well, i had to get the hubby to start looking for me" A.A.A smirked.

"I love her" Isabelle replied.

"Ok girls, i don't want any delay in today's work. Sharon isn't around so White will take her job. Go to my room, dust my pillow, dust my bedspreads too. And you Isabelle, arrange the bread on the table" Agatha said.

"But Arch Angel, we have only 5 pieces of bread." Isabelle said.

"Has God ever failed to provide?" She asked.


"Then cut the bread. There will be many. Dust the chairs and wash up in the rose water" Agatha said.

"Together with Mama please" Susie said.

"Of course!"

"Hi ladies" Daniel came.

"DANIEL!!!!!!!" Agatha yelled. Angel White and Susie burst into laughter but Isabelle nervously looked down and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"You never work! What's your problem" Agatha twisted his ear.

"Ah! Ah! Stop it A.A.A' Daniel laughed.

"Okay, Daniel, when Isabelle's done, you have to bath too. But before that, water all the white roses we have." A.A.A ordered and left. The angels left to do their work.

"Mama, what are we gonna be eating here?" Susie asked.


"Bread? Chocolate bread??" Susie asked and Isabelle chuckled.

"Anyway....you'll understand when you eat it." Isabelle said as she cleaned the table. Susie took a white napkin and joined Isabelle. Daniel came whistling.

"Hi Angel Daniel!" Susie said.

"Hi Susie. Anything to eat?" He asked.

"Uhm...no..i don't know"

"Ask your mom" Daniel said without looking at Isabelle. Susie turned to look at Isabelle, then Daniel. She smirked. Daniel left the kitchen and went to the bedroom.

"Aren't you guys best of friends?" Isabelle asked.

"We are....but you can't understand. Let's go have our bath" Isabelle held Susie's hand. They got to the magnificent pool. It had roses and warm water. There were soaps and oils around it.

"Is this where we gonna bath?" Susie asked.

"Yea. I bath here every single day." Isabelle's wings disappeared. She had a swimsuit on and she dived into the pool. She took the sponge and soap and Susie watched her mom scrubbing herself gently. Not just Susie was watching, Daniel too.

"Susie, go to the kitchen and tell A.A.A about the bread" Isabelle said.

"Got it!" Susie ran off. Daniel went closer to the pool.


"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Isabelle asked.

"I just wanted to makeup. Am very sorry for yelling and telling you it cant work between us but...its true"

"WHAT'S TRUE?" Isabelle folded her arms.

"Angels don't fall in love. They are God's messengers who are clean and not full of intimacy." Daniel said as he sat by the pool.

"Why are you staring at me then?" Isabelle smiled.

"Oh no, am not staring" Daniel buried his face in his palms.

"Let's....jokes apart Daniel, join me"

"YOU SAY WHAT?" Daniel was shocked.

"Look Dan, lets forget about angelic stuff. I know am sinning here, but i dont care!" Isabelle said.

"Isabelle, you are a very brave girl. That's what i actually love about you"

"AND YOU ARE A COWARD. JOIN ME!" Isabelle pulled him into the pool.

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