1. A Favour

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Skylar POV

Living alone had never been a problem for me but that didn't mean that I wanted it to be that way forever. I had bought this house 1. To be near my brother and 2. With the intention of it eventually being a family home.

Unfortunately I just hadn't met the right guy yet, I'd had a few dates but nothing had come of them. I was beginning to think that maybe I was destined to be alone that maybe love just wasn't for me.

"Sis, you home?" A familiar voice calls out and a huge smile immediately spreads across my face

"Matt is that you?" I call back rushing through the house

"Sure is come give your bro a hug" he says dropping his bags and opening his arms

"Welcome home, I've missed you" I say hugging him "how's work been?"

"Busy you know, Raw, house shows, a PLE the usual" he says "I need to talk to you about something, I need your help sis" he says as we take a seat on the couch

"What is it? Are you in trouble?" I ask

"No nothing like that" he says "my best bro is getting married and the press keep finding out their plans and they just want to get married in peace you know" he says "so I was thinking what if you were his decoy bride"

"Wait......hold up.......you want me to marry some one I've never met?" I ask confused

"Not a real wedding, it will be a fake wedding the priest will be an actor" he smiles "and then when it's done, they will go of and get married for real in peace"

"So you want me to pretend to marr your friend to throw off the press?" I ask and he nods "tell me about your friend what's he like?" I ask

"Tall, long dark hair, lots of tattoos" he says "he's Puerto rican, he's one of the nicest guys you could ever meet and he deserves happiness, you'd really like him"

"Can I think about it?" I ask "I feel like this is a decision I shouldn't rush into, maybe I could meet him first?"

"That's a great idea, let me go give him a call and set something up" he grins rushing out of the room

Damian POV

I had just put my bags down when my phone started to ring in my pocket. Looking at the screen I see Matts name and I look at it in complete confusion.

"What is it baby?" Liv asks wrapping her arms around my waist

"It's Matt, let me take this and then I'm all yours carino" I say kissing her hair and stepping out of the room

"Hey what's up bro?" I ask walking out to the pool area and closing the door behind

"Bro I have the solution to you problem" he says "a decoy bride"

"Ok I like your thinking but where am I going to find someone who will do that?" I ask "it's a crazy thing to ask of some one"

"Already sorted it, I spoke to Sky and she said she'd think about, oh but she wants to meet you before she makes a decision" he says

"Wait....Sky? As in your sister? Dude have you lost your mind? Look it's sweet of her to consider it but I can't ask that of her" I say shocked that he would even consider it

"You're not I am" he says and I roll my eyes "look, of she agrees, you throw off the press and you two get married in peace just like you want to. I'll get an actor to be the priest, I won't be a real wedding"

"I'll think about, but I think it's a good idea we meet first" I say "if she's free tomorrow the four of us could meet up and do something together"

"Great I'll check with her and let her know" he says

"And tell her that you. She must be a pretty incredible woman to even consider doing this for some one" I say "I appreciate it more than she knows"

Skylar POV

"All set sis, we are meeting up with him tomorrow, that's if you are free?" He ask

"Yeah I'm free, I look forward to it" I smile "you'll have my decision by the end of the day tomorrow"

Matt smiles at me and then takes his bags upstairs leaving me wondering if I have completely lost my mind for even thinking about this.
I knew nothing about this guy, what if he turns about to be a complete asshole or worse what if I end up liking him? I love my brother and I'd do anything for him but was I really about to do something this crazy for him?

At the end of the day if Matt care enough about this guy to ask hi own sister to do this for him then he must be a good guy right? I guess I'll find out tomorrow when I come face to face with this guy.

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