Disappearance; Part 1

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It's been about a week since Creepypasta was last at Tumblr High. Everyone just said he was sick, lazy, or didn't even notice. MLP and Vocaloid, however, were very worried. Creepypasta may have been a pain in the arse, but he was still a slight friend. The two fandoms  visited him after school and they found him bedridden. His skin was less pale and looked almost human as well as his eyes, which stopped bleeding.

"Creepy?! What's happening to you?!" Vocaloid panicked, but MLP knew exactly what was going on. He witnessed it happen to the Fanboy and ChumChum fandom.


"Heh, yeah, I'm dissolving." Creepypasta chuckled with almost a dead-eyed look. Vocaloid looked at Creepypasta with a scared expression. 


"Yeah, it's rare but when too many people start to leave a fandom at one time, that fandom begins to turn into a human and will eventually die while other fandoms remain living." MLP explained. 

"But Creepy, you're so popular. Why would people want to leave you?" 

Creepypasta cringed in pain for a moment then sighed. "An......incident happened. Two girls stabbed their friend in the woods because they thought they'd summon Slenderman. So, parents didn't allow their kids to look at my page and most of my stuff was blocked. People just gave up and left me for other fandoms. Fandoms like you guys." A little bit of blood dripped from his eye which could've been mistaken for a tear. 

"Creepy......" Vocaloid hugged him and cried a little. "You can't leave us! You might be annoying as hell, but we've had history together! Remember that song we made together? The one based on your Rugrats Theory?" 

He smiled a little. "Yeah, I do remember. It became very popular and many AMVs were made using that song....." 

MLP was trying to keep his cool in this situation. "Creepypasta, those stories you made were horrifying......and they were the best thing ever. Fans joined both of us and you were.....my first friend. You never called me names because of my gender or how I looked or even what my fandom represents." 

Creepypasta laughed at him. "Don't get so sappy, you big nerd. It's fine, really. I guess......I just never had many friends......thank you." 

"Who's the sap now?" MLP laughed. All three of the fandoms talked, but Creepypasta was gradually getting worse. All MLP and Vocaloid could do was watch their friend slowly suffer in becoming human. 

(I know, it's exactly like Hetalia but it's personified shit. What else am I gonna use as a reference?)

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