Chapter 6

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Jiayi was sorry that Wang gugu removed them Jiang gui ren's rooms. It would've been nice to see the screaming, thrashing temper tantrum that they heard across the courtyard, in person.

Over the sound of plates breaking Jiayi reapplied medicinal paste on Ping'er's back.

"She's gone crazy," Ping'er whispered, "It's been almost two hours now,"

Gone was her sullen, tear streaked face. Ping'er had taken plenty of joy watching Susu being dragged away for punishment.

"Of course she's crazy," replied Molan, "Susu completely embarrassed her in front of His Majesty. I wouldn't be shocked if it's all anyone talks about tomorrow,"

"How did Susu trip like that?" Pie'er asked as she peered out of window hoping to catch sight of something.

Jiayi shrugged, "Bad luck. Or the weight of her head made her tip over,"

Even Pie'er joined in the laughter at that. As they crawled into bed, Ping'er piped up.

"What do you think Xiang gui ren will be like?"

"Whatever she's like, hopefully she's no worse than Jiang gui ren," replied Molan.

Xiang gui ren's arrival turned out to be more nerve wracking than Jiayi imagined. The Emperor had come to Xianfugong to welcome his newest concubine. He sat in the courtyard, surrounded by his servants and Jiang gui ren. Eager to make up for Susu's mistake, she was fluttering around The Emperor like a bee.

"Are you too warm, Your Majesty?"

"Have you eaten today, Your Majesty?"

"Your Majesty, please have some tea,"

The Emperor took the cup, barely giving her a nod. With a strained smile, Jiang gui ren began to fan The Emperor.

"Seeing Your Majesty so excited for my newest meimei is making me excited as well. What's Xiang meimei like?"

"She's like nothing the Forbidden City has seen before,"

Jiang gui ren was so startled by the answer that she nearly dropped her fan. Jiayi could see the strain in the corners of her smile. Susu stood off to the side, sweating with pain, looking worried for her mistress. It was cruel to say but it made Jiayi feel better that she wasn't the most miserable person in the courtyard.

"Xiang gui ren arrives!"

The Emperor stood at attention. A lifted chair was lowered outside Xianfugong's gates, Wang gugu and Zhang Wei helping the occupant step out. Xiang gui ren stepped through and Jiayi was...confused. Xiang gui ren was obviously a beautiful woman with her soft white face and full lips but, she was unadorned, which was strange in a place like the Forbidden City. Her makeup was so light it almost as if she wasn't wearing any at all. Her hair piece was modest in size and decorated with small silk flowers. The chenyi* she wore was the latest fashion but it just a pale pink and embroidered with delicate plum blossoms. The only jewelry she wore was a purple jade bracelet and three pearl earrings in each ear.

At the sight of The Emperor, a dazzling smile lit up Xiang gui ren's face. With quick dainty steps, she brought herself in front of The Emperor before kneeling.

"This concubine wishes The Emperor golden peace. May you reign for 10,000 years,"

If The Emperor's presence was like a dark cloud, then Xiang gui ren was the bright sun. Jiayi couldn't take her eyes off of her.

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