Chapter 37

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The Empress was a right bitch, wasn't she?

Shen huang gui fei glared at the eunuch as she backed away and practically ran away. Had she not wanted to give The Empress the satisfaction she would've had him beaten to death right then and there!

"Worthless dog," muttered A'Fang, "How could The Empress be so cruel? You're raising 10th and 11th Prince; you should get double the rewards! It's not like Guang pin can use any of it,"

Jingse glared at her and A'Fang snapped her mouth shut.

Shen huang gui fei remembered the rewards she received after Huabao was born. There were so many stacks of silks, jewelry, pottery, and money that none of her servants could walk until they were all put away. Now, she had not one but two sons, and The Empress was determined to snatch all the joy from it.

A maid arrived with the account book for the back palace. Shen huang gui fei yawned loudly, "Send it back to Her Highness. I'm just too tired from looking after my princes,"

She huang gui fei smiled as the maid retreated. At least she finally relieved herself of all the low-class tasks The Empress liked to pawn off on her. Jingse leaned close and whispered, "Prince Han never arrived at his villa,"

The bit of mirth disappeared into dust.

Jingse shooed the other servants out of the room.

"What do you mean he never arrived?" Shen huang gui fei asked.

"The boy sent word that his carriage never arrived. Should we send someone up there?"

Shen huang gui fei shook her head. There was no point in that. There was nothing worse than missing the perfect opportunity. And Prince Han being away from The Empress's teat was the perfect opportunity. Shen huang gui fei had planted a boy in the villa and promised him a low-paying job in the ministry if he succeeded in getting rid of Prince Han. Shen huang gui fei didn't really care how he planned to do it; it just needed to be done. Now, it had all just been a waste.

"What should we do with the boy then?" Asked Jingse.

11th Prince began to cry.

She huang gui fei picked him up and rocked from side to side.

With a shrug, she said, "Get rid of him,"

An pin was so angry that she could spit venom.

Two sons.

Shen huang gui fei had snatched up two sons in one go. How could that black-hearted bitch be rewarded in such a way while her son wasn't even allowed to take his first breath?

It was disgusting. It was unfair!

An pin wanted to wash her mouth out with soap after spending all morning at Zhongcuigong. All that fawning and twittering about Shen huang gui fei's good luck–pah!  What luck? Shen huang gui fei had probably killed Fan gui ren herself!

"Shen huang gui fei will ruin 10th and 11th prince, anyways," said Weiwei, "She's never kept a prince alive. Why would they be any different?"

"I'm sick of talking about her," replied An pin. She lowered her voice, "Have you kept tabs on Cao taiyi?"

Weiwei nodded, her eyes bright, "Wang chang zai called for him the day after the banquet, saying something about feeling sick about how worried she was about The Empress Dowager. He's gone back every day since alone, with no assistants or eunuchs,"

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