Chapter 45

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On a day like this, it was fitting for the sun to shine so brightly because no one was truly as blessed as Shen huang gui fei was right now. Huabao was marrying into the Fuca clan.

The Fuca clan!

Not only was Shen huang gui fei forging a connection with one of The Great Qing's noblest backers, but Huabao was returning from Mongolia! By summer, her daughter would finally be back in her arms. When Zhang Wei came to her palace with the decree, Shen huang gui fei nearly fainted. All of her hard work was coming to fruition.

The Empress finding a way to free her little brats couldn't put a damper damper her happiness. Shen huang gui fei had to admit that The Empress put in the work of finding a legion of zokors* to tear up the gardens all around the palace; freeing Yian and Yihe from His Majesty's suspicion. Pity to the poor gardeners who were flogged and exiled for their "negligence." A visit to The Empress Dowager made no difference, either. The old woman had decided that her declaration never to set foot outside again had never happened and continued with her usual nonsense. She was practically emptying The Forbidden City's coffers with how many new outfits, jewelry, and cosmetics she bought. It was as if she was determined to make sure the other dowagers remembered that they were below her. It had been incredibly peaceful with The Empress Dowager shut away. It was such a pain to keep placating her. The woman spent the entirety of the morning demanding that Huabao's first act as Lady Fuca should be to add a few Borjigit concubines to the household–all her recommendations, of course.


Huabao would be a fool to add more women into her manor to try and sweeten up her husband. The first thing that girl had to do was have a son and a daughter to cement herself as the difujin of the manor. It wouldn't be hard at all. Huabao was young and healthy, and if she had kept a keen eye, she'd have Hu Chi eating out of the palm of her hands.

"You look positively radiant, Your Highness," A'Fang said as she walked beside Shen huang gui fei's raised chair, "You entertain so many well-wishers these days but, you don't look tired at all,"

"Stop grinning like that," said Jingse, "You look like a fool,"

Shen huang gui fei shrugged, "I'll have to start turning them away. All that excitement might disturb the children,"

Thoughts of red silks and juicy oranges ran through her mind as she was carried back to Zhongcuigong. Shen huang gui fei wondered how many embroidery maids she could get to work on Huabao's wedding clothes. Perhaps she shouldn't even bother and commission a shop in the capital for something even more one of a kind.

Shen huang gui fei's courtyard was surprisingly quiet. She had only been joking about turning guests away. There was usually an attendant or two waiting to greet her. She fanned herself lightly as she stepped inside, hoping the hothouse had the decency to send over some fresh fruit to sweeten her mouth.

However, what Shen huang gui fei saw instantly turned her mouth bitter. The Empress was in her palace, sitting in her seat as if she owned the place. The nursemaids were fawning by her side, eagerly showing off the princes like a group of idiots.

"Your Highness," said Shen huang gui fei, bowing lightly, "No one informed me you were visiting,"

The Empress smiled, "Rise. I realized that I hadn't seen Yizhong and Yiru since their namings, and I thought I would drop by and see them,"

Shen huang gui fei wanted to spit hearing the names The Empress had forced on her sons. As their 100 days came and went, Shen huang gui fei was eager to tell His Majesty what she wanted to name her sons. Her 10th Prince would be Hong, for the greatness he would surely bring to her, and the 11th Prince would be Chao. For the way he would surpass all who stood in his way.

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