Chapter 19

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Everyone knew that the food at The Empress Dowager's banquet would be more than luxurious. The Empress wanted the meal to be something people talked about for years. To even lay eyes on it was something most people would die to do.

Not wanting Xiang gui ren to miss out, The Emperor delivered each dish to her. The servants needed to push three tables together to lay out the entire banquet. Molan and Bolin 'ooh-ed' and 'ahh-ed' over The Emperor's care for their mistress. Jiayi cursed him. The Emperor had been by Xiang gui ren's side since she was bedbound and knew she couldn't open her mouth very much or chew tough foods. He was right there when Hwang taiyi and Lou taiyi described the strict rejuvenating diet Xiang gui ren would have to follow if she wanted to heal with no deep scars.

At best, Xiang gui ren could have fingernails' worth of each dish. Wasn't it cruel to send her all the food she could't have?

"Everything looks so exciting," said Xiang gui ren, "It's a shame I can't eat it. Ah, I hope His Majesty doesn't behave like this every day,"

"Mistress, we won't eat if you can't. We'll send it back!" Said Ping'er.

Xiang gui ren waived away the idea, "No, I'll just seem ungrateful. Eat, eat! It'll give you all something to do other than wait for me to drop dead,"

"Mistress!" Jiayi gasped at the implication.

"It was a joke!" Said Xiang gui ren.

Jiayi huffed and walked around the tables, looking for something soft and light for Xiang gui ren. If she cut the pieces fine enough, her mistress could have a treat.

"What's that over there on the 2nd table near the hot pot?" Asked Xiang gui ren.

"Shark fin soup, mistress," replied Molan.

"Didn't First Princess talk about how much she liked that? It's awful that she has to miss it. Poor thing," said Xiang gui ren.

The mention of First Princess made Jiayi's stomach turn.

Molan nodded, "Mmm, she liked the pork trotters and steamed cakes here, too. Mistress, why don't we send some over to her? I've heard she's been so sad, locked in her rooms,"

"I'll take it," said Jiayi. It was a small gesture, but it would make Jiayi feel better if First Princess felt better.

"Good. Oh! Since you'll be over there anyways, take that green brocade and white fox fur and drop it off in Sixth Princes' rooms. The Internal Affairs department sent over a few things to make my winter clothes, but green isn't really my color, and I think brown and red furs are more dashing," said Xiang gui ren.

Molan placed the dishes in a lunchbox and neatly folded the green brocade and furs.

"Don't worry, jiejie; I'll save the pork belly for you,"

The Empress Dowager's banquet was large enough that many servants, no matter what department they worked in, were pulled in to help. Seeing the streets empty of the usual servants sweeping, washing, and trimming was strange. A cooler-than-usual breeze made Jiayi shiver. She looked down at the brocade and fur, wondering if an odd boy like the Sixth Prince would appreciate it.

The Sixth Prince looked nothing like The Emperor. At this point, Jiayi had painted all of the princes and princesses and could match the features of His Majesty in all of them. With Sixth Prince? There was none. When Xiang gui ren entered Sixth Prince's rooms, his nursemaids asked if they could relieve themselves and tidy up when Xiang gui ren was around to watch Sixth Prince. They didn't bother asking their master but instead shuffled out.

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