Chapter 14

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Duchess Zian was 52 years old and looked every bit of it today. It was jarring.

The Empress was used to her sister-in-law almost glowing with youth, barely looking a day older than 30. Duchess Zian was famous for the meticulous care she took of her body. Many women in the capital followed her, spending hours oiling their hair and skin. The Duke was also fond of gifting The Duchess jewels, gems, and other accessories. She never wore the same thing twice.

The woman in front of her bared no resemblance to that. Duchess Zian was free of her tasteful makeup and glistening jewels. The whiteness of mourning clothes cast her face in a gray shadow. Her eyes, red and raw, were bone dry. She had cried out all her tears before the funeral. It wasn't often that the Forbidden City went into mourning for branch members of the Imperial Family. It was unfortunate that Yigue was given this honor. While the public mourning would only be in place for a month instead of the customary 100 days, it was a greater honor than many of His Majesty's brothers would ever obtain.

Ministers and nobility alike crowded inside Dafuge. It twisted The Empress' heart to watch those who barely remembered Yigue cry and wail, hoping their noise would catch The Emperor's eye. She expected a performance from His Majesty's concubines, but seeing middle-aged men use a funeral as a stage for their opera turned her stomach.

It was a blessing to hide away in Yikungong with Duchess Zian.

"Duchess Zian," said Shiyi, "The funeral was long and exhausting. Please, replenish your body with this red date and ginseng soup. Her Highness made this with the ten-thousand-year ginseng she received on her wedding day. It will revitalize you,"

Shiyi held out the steaming bowl, but Duchess Zian made no move to take it.

The Empress locked eyes with Shiyi and gestured for her to leave the soup nearby and withdraw. The senior maid did so, taking the surrounding servants with her.

"Prince Yuanjun of the first rank," Duchess Zian said, her voice hoarse, "I won't ever be able to repay His Majesty for this grace,"

"His Majesty would've preferred if Yigue were able to earn this title many more years down the line," replied The Empress.

A small smile slipped onto Duchess Xian's face, "Yes. That would've been nice,"

"Have you been taking care of yourself, jiejie?" Asked The Empress.

"Your Highness is too kind to ask after me. I don't deserve it. Yigue died because of my incompetence. I was so sick when I was pregnant with him, remember? I couldn't even carry him to term," Duchess Zian clenched her hands together until her knuckles turned white, "I should be grateful he lived this long,"

The Empress grabbed The Duchess' hand, "Don't say that. I remember how you suffered during your pregnancy and his birth. But I also remember that he gained vitality year after year and had no trouble charming Royal Father and His Majesty. Yigue lived well because of you, not despite you,"

Duchess Zian shook her head, "No. Her Highness is kind to comfort me, but I know the truth. We all know the truth. I failed, and His Majesty knows as well,"

"What do you mean?" Asked The Empress.

His Majesty had never spoken ill of The Duchess. He held her in just as much esteem as he did Duke Zian.

"At the end of the eleventh month, two girls will be marrying into the household, as decreed by His Majesty,"

"How can that be?" Asked The Empress, "Duke Zian has refused concubines from His Majesty for decades now,"

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