Chapter 31

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She was weighed down in silks, precious jewels, and furs, but Xiang gui ren


Xiang pin had never felt lighter.

"Lai Huifen," The female official cried out, "Has served His Majesty as an earnest and virtuous wife. On account of Her Highness The Empress' grace and Her Highness De gui fei's care, she is to be promoted to Imperial Concubine Xiang,"

Xiang pin accepted the Imperial rites from the official and smiled up at De gui fei. Her jiejie woke at the crack of dawn to help her into her very own Imperial Concubine chaofu. Now, she sat at The Empress' elbow, beaming right back at her. For the happy occasion, De gui fei wore a  fuchsia outfit embroidered with golden chrysanthemums. The Empress sat at the head of the room in a bright red changyi peppered with yellow and white peonies, the white fox fur edging her waistcoat shining brilliantly. The only one dressed more festively than they were was Yikungong itself. Swaths of red and green fabric draped the pillars and windows. Fat bows of red silk dotted the room. The gold and yellow tables glowed.

Lai Huifen, an orphaned prostitute, had somehow become an Imperial Concubine. She could hardly believe it. As horrible as these last few months had been, Xiang pin chose to see this as an auspicious sign. The New Year would be different as an Imperial Concubine. Fewer people could look down on her and would think twice before trying to start trouble. With this promotion, everyone could see what a risk they were taking trying to attack her. His Majesty loved her enough to risk wagging tongues and promoted her anyway. She was no longer an easy target.

The ceremony came to an end with the deep bang of a gong. She and De gui fei took their leave and, arm in arm, began to walk back home.

"I had the Imperial Kitchen make us our own New Year's feast to celebrate," said De gui fei.

Xiang pin smiled, "Hmm, jiejie is so eager to fatten me up. Trying a new technique to steal His Majesty away from me?"

"Fatten?" Said De gui fei, "If this breeze blew any stronger, you'd fly away!"

"Aiyo! Jiejie is such a smooth talker, but I know the truth! Ah, but who can blame her when His Majesty speaks of her beautiful neck and elegant hands that copy scripture so delicately?"

The servants tried to stifle their laughter. Molan was doing a particularly terrible job of it.

Xiang pin pretended to swoon into Jiayi's arms, "How could she want to be away from His Majesty when he always speaks of her soft, clear voice that soothes even the King of Hell himself? How–"

De gui fei's ears and neck were as red as Yikungong's auspicious decorations.

"Stop–stop this nonsense at once! How dare you speak like this in public!"

"Eh? Nonsense? I would never! Hupo, don't you think His Majesty would say something like that about your mistress?"

Hupo nodded, her cheeks pink from mirth, "Of course! Her Highness is all that and more!"

"You! You! All of you are ungrateful!" De gui fei said. She pulled her arm away and walked ahead, "I'll have the servants throw the food away,"

Xiang pin tugged her back, laughing, "Jiejie, don't be mean!"

Their laughter stopped abruptly when a raised chair approached them from a distance. It was Shen huang gui fei.

"Wishing Your Highness peace," they greeted.

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